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Dr Georgina Evans

College Lecturer

Georgina Evans is interested in questions of cinema and the senses, including (but not limited to) synaesthesia, touch, pain, visceral sensation, cinema and smell and selective attention. She has published work on Krzysztof Kieslowski and Michael Haneke. Her forthcoming book Cinema’s Inter-Sensory Encounters: Krzysztof Kieślowski and Claire Denis addresses the French films of both directors in the light of cinema’s history as the first art form to produce durable synaesthetic works, opening into a theoretical elucidation of the way sound film’s inter-sensory layerings inform and shape narrative. Her current research focuses on non-human perspectives in cinema, with particular attention to filmic representations of non-mammalian life including insects and aquatic worlds, and early film exploring this material. She is also pursuing an interest in the interpretation of fairytales on screen.

Contact details:

St John's College St John's Street Cambridge CB2 1TP


Tel: 01223 (3) 30264

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