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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


The MML Green Team needs you!

Green and Gold

We are looking for new committee members to join the Green Team 2016-17!

The team meets four or five times over the course of the year, and each committee member takes on as much or as little additional work as they wish to do. More importantly, it is very rewarding to see change happening and to know that one is doing one’s bit - however minimal - towards a more sustainable future. 

The team is also considering a different approach to the Challenge next year. There is now a high level of compliance in this building with the everyday business of saving energy and not wasting resources. We think that we need to keep our standards in the building up to scratch but also challenge ourselves by branching out into something different. Maybe a bio-diversity project? Or something involving engagement with the local community? A really big waste and recycling project, incorporating food waste management, VegWare cups and plates, locally-sourced produce? Do you have any ideas?

If you are interested in being part of the committee, or have an idea for MML's next Green project, Nan Taplin will be delighted to hear from you!

Keep in touch


News and Events

We've won a Silver Green Impact Award for 2021-2022

29 June 2022

We're proud to announce that we've achieved a Silver Green Impact Award for the second year running. We won't stop here and will be going for Gold in 2022-2023! To win our Award, we had to take action and make changes in a variety of areas. For example: We conducted a basic energy audit, to identify ways that we could save...

How do you travel around town?

20 April 2022

Hello! The University is committed to improving its level of sustainability, and at MMLL we’re doing our bit by aiming for the Green Impact silver award again this year. We hope to bring you news on that soon. The rising price of fuel is constantly in the news at the moment, so there’s never been a better time to think...

Welcome back to the Faculty!

28 March 2022

Hello! If you’re venturing back into the Faculty, the MMLL Green Team would like to welcome you with a Covid-cautious cheery wave. It’s been a long time since it felt lively here! Here are our top tips for making your return to the workplace as green as possible. Fancy a brew? Only fill the kettle with the amount of water...