Why is 15-year-old Nedjma so passionate about Robespierre? Why is the Revolution the only thing in French history that concerns her? Following in her footsteps, you will meet Robespierre, Saint-Just, Toussaint Louverture, Jules Vallès, Aimé Césaire, Yacine Kateb and Thomas Sankara. You will rediscover, in the shadow of the official Revolution that became the founding myth of the Republic, the cursed Revolution of the ongoing popular and anticolonial struggles for freedom.
Maudite Révolution ! Entretien avec Olivier Tonneau | Cairn.info
Maudite révolution ! | TSF Jazz
“Maudite Révolution'” une pièce d’Olivier Tonneau - Thomas Sankara Website - Officiel
Maudite révolution - Théâtre Pixel | Billet Réduc'
Event sponsored by the French Section, MMLL Faculty, University of Cambridge