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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Updates related to COVID-19

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Course updates related to COVID-19 for applicants and current offer holders

There are no changes to the structure of the Faculty's postgraduate courses for 2021-22. 

Following the lifting of social distancing and other restrictions by the UK government, and the latest guidance from the Department for Education, the University is planning to provide as much in-person teaching as it possibly can, along with access to libraries and other facilities in Cambridge. We are ensuring that our plans take into account measures to stay as safe as possible. We will be reviewing our approach regularly. There may be changes to the health situation or government guidance between now and the start of the next academic year and so our plans may need to change accordingly.

We expect to offer as normal the small-group teaching that is at the heart of the Cambridge experience: supervisions and seminars. We are planning to deliver this teaching, and as many lectures as possible, in-person. However, if there is a strong reason  (for example, it improves the educational experience, or where we are assessing the safe use of lecture theatres for large cohorts of students during the first term, or where members of staff are unable to teach in person) we will use online delivery.

Further links:

A statement from Professor Graham Virgo, Senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education), regarding the academic year 2021-22

Central University advice on COVID-19 for students, offer-holders and prospective students

Postgraduate Admissions Office: COVID-19 advice for offer-holders and prospective students

Stay Safe Cambridge


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