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Cambridge Polish Studies is a programme of the Slavonic Studies Section in the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages at the University of Cambridge. The programme has made Cambridge a key centre for the study of Poland and the promotion of Polish culture in the United Kingdom and throughout the world.

Cambridge Polish Studies combines innovative undergraduate courses on the language, literature and culture of Poland with a vibrant cycle of events open to all, including guest lectures, debates, film screenings, meetings with writers and artists, as well as academic conferences.

The academic programme commenced in October 2014, when the first group of Cambridge students undertook the “Introduction to the Language, Literature and Culture of Poland”. At the same time, open Polish language courses have continued for all members of the university.

As Poland assumes an increasingly important role in Europe, Cambridge Polish Studies is providing a powerful academic and public forum for new ways of thinking about Polish culture, history and contemporary politics.

Latest News and Events

Cambridge Polish Studies: Celebrating 10 Years

17 October 2024

Cambridge Polish Studies: Celebrating 10 Years Friday, November 8 5.30pm Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College, Cambridge On the ten-year anniversary of the establishment of the Polish Studies Programme at the University of Cambridge, we invite you to a celebratory event. The event will feature two guest speakers to...

The Slavonic Studies Section presents the 'Translation Speaker Series' 2024-25

16 October 2024

We warmly invite you to attend the Slavonic Studies/CamCCEEES joint 2024-25 Speaker Series, which is dedicated to the subject of Translation In conceptualising this lecture series, we conceived of 'translation' in the broadest of terms. That is, not just as the translation of words or texts from one language into another...

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