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Cambridge Ukrainian Studies


Exhibitions and Performances

Cambridge Ukrainian Studies Exhibitions

Cambridge Ukrainian Studies regularly organises prominent exhibitions of art and artifacts from and about Ukraine as well as performances of Ukrainian cultural material.

Exhibition highlights include The 1932-33 Diaries of Gareth Jones, which garnered wide international recognition, as well as Verse in Vision: The Art of Taras Shevchenko and The Art of Feodosii Humeniuk

Since 2016, Cambridge Ukrainian Studies has also been a moving force behind Night Train Theatre Company's Maklena project, which has resurrected Mykola Kulish's banned play Maklena Grasa (1933) and adapted it for English-language audiences. Praised as 'captivating, heart-wrenching and genuinely funny', the production has received five-star reviews. In this interview, Rory Finnin (Director of CUS) explains the origins of the project:

These wonderful animated short videos from the Night Train Theatre Company (in English and Ukrainian, respectively) explain the extraordinary political controversies surrounding the play:

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