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Reframing the Study of Ukrainian Language and Literature

New Approaches to Ukrainian Studies

Rory Finnin (University Lecturer in Ukrainian Studies) and Olesya Khromeychuk (Lector in Ukrainian) advocate new approaches to the study of Ukrainian literature and to the development of the Ukrainian language in the magazine Ukrainian Dialogue, a publication of the British Ukrainian Society.

"Ukrainian literature is replete with vigorous voices... It is a literature of rebels and risk-takers, patriots and pioneers, writers whose works injected world culture with new euphonies and expanded the boundaries of human expression," writes Finnin. "That many of them also came to be heralded as voices of the Ukrainian people, or even prophets in a national canon, is undoubtedly significant. But it is ultimately secondary. These artists deserve something more than respect for ‘national service’. They deserve our renewed study, in Britain and beyond."

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