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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Ellie O'Shea

Ellie O'Shea

College: Saint Catharine’s college            


Supervisor: Dr. Miranda Griffin     

Research Topic: Archival Imaginings in Medieval Arthurian Romance


About After completing a BA and MA in English studies at Durham University, Ellie joined the French department at Cambridge in 2019. She currently holds a teaching position at the ENS de Lyon.


Research        Ellie looks at the different ways in which medieval Arthurian romance objectifies, imagines, and engages with repositories of knowledge. Using theory by Derrida and Foucault, she aims to trace the intersection of archival and memorial technologies as they appear in various spaces and sites. Additional research interests include: Genealogy in Arthurian romance, in particular matrilineage, trauma theory, and Middle English romance.



2019: Durham University Postgraduate Scholarship

2020: International Arthurian Society Postgraduate Award

2022: Barron Award


Teaching Ellie currently holds a teaching role in the English department of the ENS de Lyon, where she teaches a broad range of subjects including Shakespeare, Chaucer, and the works of the Gawain Poet. She also teaches a seminar on literary translation.


Conference papers

July 2021: The Space of Trauma in Le Conte du Graal, Cambridge

November 2021: The Archive in the Estoire de Merlin, FGRS, Cambridge

September 2022: The Archive of Trauma in Le Conte du Graal, Spectral Temporalities, Berlin


Other activities and roles Ellie is a researcher at the CIHAM, a French research institute based in Lyon, and a member of the Spectral Temporalities research group. She is also a postgraduate committee member of the International Arthurian Society – British Branch.