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Undergraduate Study

The French are our nearest neighbours, with whom we have been interacting throughout our history. French is a major world language, spoken not only in several European countries, but in Canada, Africa, and the Caribbean, and the influence of France on European culture has been massive from medieval times to the present. In literature (poetry, drama, the novel), philosophy, the visual arts, and cinema, its achievements are second to none. You will find French immensely rewarding to study.


As well as offering high-level teaching in all aspects of language, the undergraduate course covers the literature, thought, and culture of France and the French-speaking world from the early medieval period to the present day. You will be able to develop your existing interests and to discover new and perhaps unexpected ones. You will encounter challenging and stimulating ideas about language, culture, and life. As well as linguistic skills and academic knowledge, you will acquire important transferable skills, skills of analysis and expression (verbal and written), which will be valuable to you whatever your chosen path after Cambridge.

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