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Online Resources

What follows is a list of recommended online resources. It is an attempt to provide a cross-section of relevant websites, in the hope that these will be prove useful to students as they pursue their own explorations.


Gateways / Podcasts / French Literature / French Authors / Francophone Literature / Thinkers and Philosophers / French and Francophone history and culture / Cinema / Work Experience 

Language Papers

Paper Fr.B1 / Paper Fr.B2 / Paper Fr.B3 

Scheduled Papers

Paper Fr.1 / Paper Fr.2 / Paper Fr.3 / Paper Fr.4 / Paper Fr.5 / Paper Fr.6 / Paper Fr.7 / Paper Fr.8 / Paper Fr.9 / Paper Fr.10 / Paper Fr.11 / Paper Fr.13



Gateways/Portals for French students/researchers   Podcasts

Since the legalisation in France of podcasting ("baladodiffusion" for the purist) in January this year, Radio France has far outpaced the BBC in terms of the range of programmes it makes available. You'll find links through to all the major RF stations and the podcasts they offer at:


  • Link to major RF stations and their podcast

  • Legally, podcasts are made available until the next episode of a programme is broadcast. While many radio programmes remain accessible for a long period over the internet, the advantage of the podcast (MP3 file) is that it can be downloaded and listened to without an active internet connection, for example when you're travelling to work, walking the dog, cooking or whatever. All you need is an MP3 player and freely available software (typically iTunes, Doppler, Juice) to download the podcasts. You then drag and drop them to your MP3 player, unless of course you simply want to listen on your own computer (Windows Media Player is also an MP3 player). It couldn't be easier, and it's a terrific resource. France Culture, in particular, offers some of its best programmes in this way. 

French Literature


French Authors


Francophone Literature


French philosophers and thinkers


French & Francophone History & Culture


Film & Cinema


Work Experience


Language Papers

Paper Fr B1 Use of French


Paper Fr B2 Translation of French and Oral B

French to English


Paper Fr B3 Translation into French and French though audio-visual media

Please also consult the FR11 section on cinema for more film reviews in French

English to French

Useful links


Scheduled Paper Resources

Paper Fr 1 Introduction to the structures and varieties of modern French


Grammar and Structures


Regional variation within France

French in the world


Paper Fr 2 French literary texts: an introduction

Cléo de 5 à 7


Thérèse Raquin


Les Lettres persanes


Paper Fr 3 French literature, thought, and history, before 1300


Paper Fr 4 Occitan Literature, Thought, and History, before 1356


Paper Fr 5 French literature, thought, and history, from 1300 to 1510


Paper Fr 6 French literature, thought, and history, from 1510 to 1622


Paper Fr 7 French literature, thought, and history, from 1594 to 1700


Paper Fr 8 French literature, thought, and history, from 1690 to 1799


Paper Fr 9 French Literature, Thought and History from 1789 to 1898


Paper Fr 10 French Literature, Visual Culture, Thought and History from 1890 to 1958


Paper Fr 11: Literature, Visual Culture, Thought and History in the French-speaking World Since 1945


Paper Fr 13 The French Language: Variation and Change

Language Contact

Regional French and Dialectology

Language Planning

History of the French Language

Language Endangerment

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