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Current PhD Students in French

Name College Research Topic Supervisor
Tobias Barnett Robinson  The Colonial Milieu: Empire, State and the Architectonics of Modern French Thought Prof Martin Crowley
Duarte Benard da Costa Peterhouse Marcel Proust and Intertextuality Prof Ian James
Ian Boyd Queens' College The World Under Our Feet: Habitat and Movement in the Imagined Underground Dr Jenny Mander
Kathryn Bryan Lucy Cavendish 'l'anormale par excellence': Bad Mothers from nineteenth-century French fiction Prof Nick White
Samuel Buchoul Hughes Hall Techniques of writing, techniques of living: towards existential grammatology, with and after Derrida Prof Ian James
Rebecca Courtier Churchill

"Marginalities and Migrants on the Move: A Comparative Reading of Medieval French Literature and Contemporary French Culture

Prof Sylvia Huot
Celia Depommier-Cotton Newnham
Stendhal and Individuality
Dr Miranda Gill
Eli Dolliver St John's College Cautionary Tales and Consolatory Fables - Folklore and the Horror Film Dr Georgina Evans
David Ewing Clare Everyday life and the postwar French novel Prof Martin Crowley
Emily Fitzell Trinity

The aesthetics of movement in the space of art [20th - 21st c.]

Prof Ian James
Carl Frayne St John's The Exiled French Regular Clergy in Great Britain (1881 - 1921) Prof Ian James
Carrie Heusinkveld St John's 'C'est peu de violer l'amitié, la nature': Social and Environmental Destruction in Racine's Theatre Prof Emma Gilby
Eve Judah Newnham ‘La Philosophie en effet: 50 years of Philosophy, Politics and Publishing’ Prof. Martin Crowley
Kate Kent St John's The translated dramatic works of Samuel Beckett and Marguerite Duras 1960-1969 Prof Martin Crowley
Lilian Kroth Trinity Hall Michel Serres’s Philosophy of Limits. Passages between the Philosophy of Science and Social Theory Prof Martin Crowley
Mathias Le Gargasson Clare Hall  Valéry's Cahiers, Bataille and Laruelle : heresies of the impossible Prof Ian James
Ellamae Lepper St Catharine's Salons in Nineteenth-Century French Fiction Dr Claire White
Isabel Maloney Clare ‘Pêcher par omission’: Censorship, Gender, and Narrative Logic in the Late Nineteenth Century French Novel Dr Claire White
Solange Manche King's The Brain, Technics, and Desire: The Resurgence of a Critique of Political Economy in Contemporary French Thought Prof Ian James

Ry Montgomery 

King's Representations of trans* identities in contemporary French cinema Prof Emma Wilson
Weibing Ni Selwyn College The Rhetoric of Creole Identity, Community Belonging and Racialisation: Haitian Neighbours and Oriental Others in Francophone and Anglophone Caribbean Novels Prof Martin Crowley
Anna-Lisa Nicholson Corpus Christi Reconstructing the Mazarin Salon: French Exilic Communities in Early Modern London Prof Emma Gilby
Ellie O'Shea St Catherine's Archival Imaginings in Medieval Arthurian Romance Dr Miranda Griffin
Lili Owen Rowlands Murray Edwards Genre Trouble: ‘Autotheory’ and the Queer/Gendered Self in Contemporary French LifeWriting Prof Emma Wilson
Marina Perkins Jesus Communication, Relevance, and Power in Montaigne’s Essais Dr Timothy Chesters
Andrew Sackin-Poll Trinity Hall The Ordinary Epic: Rethinking the Epic Narrative Form in Modern French Literature and Thought Prof Ian James
Ben Saffell Fitzwilliam    Towards a speculative naturalism: A critical investigation of the limits and scope of postcontinental philosophy's immanent ontology of nature Prof Ian James
Wilfred Skinner Fitzwilliam College Chantal Akerman and Georges Perec: Place and Memory Prof Emma Wilson
Maddison Sumner Robinson College Contemporary French transfuges de classe, or "transclasses"  Prof Emma Wilson
Eleanor Stefiuk Peterhouse Decadent Entanglement: Aesthetics, Politics, and Thought Dr Claire White
Xinyi Wang Selwyn Women Who Return: Revisiting the Figure of Ulysses in Resnais, Varda, Kieslowski Prof Emma Wilson
Cat Watts Newnham   Credit where credit is due: reassigning myths, forms, and origins in medieval French literature Dr Miranda Griffin
Aubrae Wilson St Catherine's Staging Nobility: Networks, Identity, and Cultural Capital in the life of Elisabeth-Claire Leduc Prof Mark Darlow 
Genevieve Young Newnham Sing no bad songs of me: Affective excess in the chansons de geste. Dr Mary Franklin-Brown
Ruoshui (Henry) Zhang Girton Towards a Poetic Model of Philosophy: Philosophy of Immanence at the End of Philosophy Prof Ian James


For recent PhD awardees, please see here. Please also see our student testimonials.