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FRB1: Use of French

The class is designed to encourage the active use of the language in reaction to a variety of topics. Knowledge of grammar and syntax will be reinforced and built upon in class, users will also extend their vocabulary and improve their writing style.

Aims and objectives: 

The aims of the course are as follows:

  1. to extend and consolidate grammar, syntax and lexis ; knowledge of structures and idioms
  2. to develop reading and writing skills primarily (and speaking skills to a lesser extent)
  3. to develop an awareness of the use of French in a variety of contexts and registers
  4. to develop the ability to analyse, synthesize and produce French texts
Course materials: 

Students will be expected to do grammar work independently every week by following the online grammar programme.

This autonomous work will be consolidated in class.

Students will be asked to use the following grammar book:

Margaret Jubb and Annie Rouxeville, French Grammar in Context (Routledge)

The following will also be extremely useful :

Glanville Price, A Comprehensive French Grammar (Blackwell)

Roger Hawkins and Richard Towell, French Grammar and Usage (Routledge)

Teaching and learning: 

Preparation for this paper is through weekly Faculty classes where written work is set. In addition, students are expected to attend the Departmental grammar lectures and to exploit independently the resources of the Language Centre, and the Faculty's Computer-Assisted Language Learning facilities. Classes may be supplemented by work conducted by College lectors.

Online resources:

See the French online resources page.

For the FRB1 Moodle site, please see here.


The paper requires candidates to analyse (in French) a French passage of about 550 words. The paper is divided into 5 sections (grammar, comprehension, summary, stylistic analysis, reaction) which weigh variably for the total mark. The assessment takes into account the level of proficiency of the candidates, their ability to understand the passage, and write in elegant and accurate French. 

Course Contacts: 
Prof Hugo Azérad
Dr Christophe Gagne