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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Ian Boyd

College: Queens’ College


Supervisor: Dr Jenny Mander

Research Topic: The World Under Our Feet: Habitat and Movement in the Imagined Underground



Ian completed his undergraduate degree in History and International Relations at The University of Texas at Austin in 2017. After graduating from UT, Ian hopped ‘across the pond’ and completed an MSc in History at the University of Edinburgh. His dissertation at Edinburgh focused on the educational policy of the French Third Republic in Martinique. In 2018, Ian moved to Paris to continue his work on the Third Republic where he completed a masters de recherche in History at the Université de Paris. Starting his PhD in Cambridge in 2020, Ian is now researching how a series of sinkholes in late eighteenth-century Paris revealed a complex network of tunnels underneath the capital of France which offers a novel way to re-frame notions of mobility and habitation.



18th century literature, time and space, urbanism, mobilities, tourism and migration.



Stamps Scholar



Fr10 Lecture, “Enlightenment and its Limits”, Supervisions “How to Read Rousseau”, “Developing Study Skills”


Conference papers

“Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Imagined Pasts and Lost Futures”, Trinity History Con, 17 November 2020. “Underground Mobilities: From Migration to Tourism”, The Role of the Voyager: Mobilities in Tourism, Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement, 11 March 2021.



Madame de Genlis’ Adèle et Theodore: Lessons from Enlightenment Pedagogical Theory, Literary Encyclopaedia, Forthcoming, 2022.


Other activities and roles

Graduate Member, Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement


Personal website

Find me on twitter @IanCBoyd