Performance 2010: Poetry Dance Drawing Music Film
Saturday October 30th will, this year, be a day in Robinson College devoted to the Arts: to poetry, dance, drawing, painting music and film.
This event is sponsored by the Italian Department, by Robinson College and by the Judith E Wilson Fund of the English Faculty and follows the highly successful Experience Dante, staged first in 2009, subsequently revived in a number of performances, including the Cambridge Summer Music Festival of 2010.
The aim of the October event is to bring together in performance and discussion young artists - especially undergraduates and early-career professionals - of a wide range of talents who are interested in collaborating and experimenting in the production of new works. So there will be ample time in the course of the day for discussion, formal and informal, and it is to be hoped that such discussion will generate further workshops, more new writing, dance music and art-work. But the focus of attention in October will fall upon new works and new performances currently in development.
The texts which underlie the performances on display include some by Dante, others by contemporary poets and others drawn from the traditions of Sufi mysticism and the Kathak tradition of Indian Temple narrative. Those who are in interested in Dante or modern poetry or dance or newly improvised music or new forms of graphic art and want to discuss any of these topics or even perform or draw will be very welcome.
The first session in the afternoon is freely open to all. Registration fees for all other sessions and galleries, to cover the expenses incurred by visiting artists, are £7 (£4 for current undergraduates). A limited number of tickets will be available at the door. Details about how to book will be available shortly, but if you would like to register your interest or make further enquiries please contact Robin Kirkpatrick ( or Nan Taplin (
Refreshments will be available throughout the day until 5pm in Robinson's Red Brick Café.