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ITA2: Translation and Oral A


This paper is composed of 2 parts: Translation and essay skills and Oral skills

Translation and essay skills: The course aims to train students to translate from Italian into English accurately and effectively from carefully selected passages of different register, style and topic. At the end of the course students are tested on their ability to understand a text in Italian, and to translate it to a level of idiomatic English language. For the essay, students work on a set reading text, developing reading skills, and practicing free and guided writing skills.

Oral skills: The course aims to train students to develop communication, presentation and conversation skills in Italian, both in everyday and more formal contexts. Students are exposed to a variety of language and cultural situations in order to develop their ability to communicate in Italian through a variety of exercises. Oral classes are taught by a native speaker and are conducted exclusively in Italian.

Aims and objectives: 

Translation into English: On completion of the course students are able to translate into English from a variety of texts in Italian, specifically selected for range of register, style, progressive difficulty and topic. Students are also able to read, analyse, summarise, translate and comment in Italian passages from the set reading text.

Oral A: On completion of the course students are able to present and discuss general aspects of Italian culture and society, and use basic formal and informal vocabulary in a number of functional  language situations.

Course materials: 

The material for Translation into English is designed and selected from authentic material to present students with a range of texts to translate that will train their ability to read, comprehend and translate. Specific lexical and/or grammar points are practiced and reinforced through language material available on the university virtual learning environment.

Students will read and interact with the set reading text   Lontano da Mogadiscio, Shirin Ramzanali Fazel, (1994 and later editions)

The material for Oral A is contained in a portfolio designed and produced by the teaching staff of the Department, comprising of a selection of authentic material (written texts, video/audio and visual material) devised to develop and expand their ability to communicate in basic as well as in more complex language situations.

Teaching and learning: 

Students work weekly on translation, both in class and by completing translation tasks that are individually corrected, returned, and discussed.

Oral A: Students learn and practice their oral skills during a dedicated fortnightly supervision, working in groups of usually three students, using specifically selected authentic material.

All classes and supervisions are taught by native speakers.

Please see here for the ITA2 Moodle site. 


Summative Assessment

The written language paper includes a translation from Italian and an essay in Italian on aspects of the set reading text. The examination for this element of the paper lasts two hours.


Oral A: The oral examination is designed to test pronunciation, reading skills and basic conversation. Students are asked to read out from a passage, give a presentation on a chosen topic, answer questions on their presentation, and contribute to general conversation. The examination lasts about 15 minutes.

Past papers

Examiners' Reports

Course Contacts: 
Dott. Claudia Domenici, Associate Professor in Italian


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