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PhD and MPhil



Current PhD Students in Italian



Research Topic


Adelaide Brooks Clare Italiano, brava lingua?: The Complex Role of Italian in the Recounting of the Holocaust Prof Robert Gordon
Samuel Fitzgibbon Corpus Christi Writing Home: Letters to and from Florentine Exiles (1433-1494) Research Summary 1 Prof Virginia Cox
Thomas Godfrey Clare Solitary Souls: Artistic Interpretations of Dante’s Portrayal of Loneliness in “Inferno” Dr. Helena Phillips-Robins & Prof. Virginia Cox
Kalus, Frey St Catharine's Dante and the Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke Prof Heather Webb
Jiayao Jiang Robinson Transforming Urban Heritage in Post-war Rome, 1944-1951: Transnational Flows and National Identity Prof Robert Gordon
Orsolya Petocz Selwyn Between Queer Invisibility and Hypervisibility - Italian and Francophone Text and Image Prof Emma Wilson and Prof Robert Gordon
Rebecca Reilly Selwyn Accessing the Inaccessible Other: Desire and ‘Interpersonal Selfhoods’ across Generic and Gendered Boundaries in Late Medieval Italian Literature Prof Heather Webb
Ruoci Song Selwyn Virgil’s revival from ‘ombra fioca’ to ‘dolcissimo patre’: the construction of the Virgil-Dante affective relationship through gestures Prof Heather Webb
Aurora Sturli St Edmund’s Female Writers at the Margins of Italian Literature and Culture Prof Helena Sanson
Jonathan Wiles Selwyn "Vegna Medusa": Dante's Poetics of Absence in and Around the 'Commedia' Prof Heather Webb


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