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ITC1: Translation from and into Italian

This course aims to further develop and consolidate the ability of students to translate accurately and effectively from and into Italian. Students acquire the necessary level of language sophistication to read, interpret and translate a range of texts from and into Italian, producing translations that show a confident command of idiomatic language, grammatical accuracy and the necessary sensitivity to reproduce the appropriate register and tone.

Aims and objectives: 

Translation into English: On completion of this course students  further develop and consolidate their ability to comprehend the original passage, with particular sensitivity to the stylistic characteristics of the text in Italian, and are able to convey its sense, including specialized vocabulary where this is present. In addition, they are able to show stylistic manipulation of the English version in order to produce a natural and fluent text.

Translation into Italian: On completion of this course students further develop and consolidate the ability to produce a translation that is grammatically accurate over a wide range of structures, as well as a showing a range of vocabulary used appropriately, and a good command of idioms. Students are also able to show the ability to control register and tone.

Course materials: 

The material for this course comprises of carefully selected passages organised around specific language structures, register and/or cultural topics to explore. Special attention is devoted to the development of translation techniques sensitive to different registers and styles of language. Integrating language material is available on the university virtual learning environment Camtools for the students to use.

Teaching and learning: 

This paper is taught in weekly classes over the year. Homework exercises will be set on a regular basis and assessed by the principal class teachers.

For the ITC1 Moodle site, please see here


Summative Assessment

This paper is three hours in total and consists of two exercises: (a) one passage of English prose, amounting to 300 words in total, for translation into the foreign language; (b) one passage in the foreign language, amounting to not more than 450 words in total, for translation into English. Both exercises must be attempted. No use of dictionaries or reference materials allowed.

Course Contacts: 
Dott. Claudia Domenici