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Research in the Italian section


The Italian Section at Cambridge maintains a strong research tradition across a wide range of specialisms. All the permanent members of staff in the department are actively engaged in research covering Dante, medieval literature and culture, Renaissance and modern periods, cinema, linguistics and dialectology. The Department benefits from the outstanding research facilities and the dynamic, interdisciplinary research culture within the University of Cambridge.

Cambridge Italian Research Network (CIRN)

Overview of Teaching and Research areas of Italian Staff

Research students

Research events 2003-2017

Book series and Journals

Latest News

Selwyn Sykes Cambridge Masters Studentship in Italian Studies

20 November 2024

Selwyn College will offer two studentships for UK MPhil students in Italian Studies for entry in October 2025.

A Series of International Events on 'The Adventures of Pinocchio'

24 October 2024

We are delighted to announce a series of academic and public engagement initiatives aimed at celebrating the legacy of Carlo Collodi’s literary masterpiece The Adventures of Pinocchio in contemporary culture, co-organized by Murray Edwards College Fellow Elena Sottilotta (Italian section, MMLL Faculty) with Pablo a Marca (...


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