Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs) are committees made up of student representatives and members of academic staff.
The SSLC provides a link between staff and students enabling discussion on matters to do with teaching and learning that don't fit the stricter remit of the Faculty Board. It deals with concerns at a local level and feeds into other committees as appropriate.
The SSLC should be consulted on any major changes to course structures or content. It must not consider matters relating to named members of staff or students, nor are they the place for students to air their personal grievances.
Key Principles of the SSLC
- Meet once a term
- Be student-led. SSLC students should be proactive in the organisation of the SSLC and in consulting with the student body, in raising issues for discussion
- Provide a forum for students to discuss teaching, learning and student support issues with staff in an open manner, within the framework of the SSLC structure. The Faculty should consult with the SSLC on new proposals, including changes to courses
- Encourage the resolution of issues and improvement of issues at a faculty level and/or course level
- Ensure that discussions and resulting actions are documented and distributed to the student body via the SSLC
- Produce an annual report/summary if issues discussed and actions taken
Responsibilities of SSLC Representatives
- To make themselves known to the students they are representing and the academic staff on the committee
- To gauge the views of students in their cohort and present those views clearly at the SSLC meetings
- To write up notes from SSLC meetings and report agreed action back to students
- To read notes of meetings and ensure any agreed actions are followed up promptly
- To alert the Chair of any issues that are not appropriately addressed
- Complete the Annual report and submit it for the approval of the whole committee.Download proforma word doc.
Gathering Students' Views
The SSLC reps should:
- Circulate their email address to students in their cohort and check email regularly for messages from the student body
- Send emails well in advance of each meeting asking if there are any issues for discussion
- Arrange a drop-in session before each meeting for students to discuss any particular issues relating to their courses or in general
The Chair's Role
- Ensure all SSLC representatives are aware of their responsibilities
- To bring the meeting to order and regulate the conduct of the meeting
- To follow the agenda and control the amount of time spent on each item
- To lead the committee towards decision making
- To ensure agreed actions are delegated and put in place within a reasonable time scale
- To check notes before they are issued and ensure they are made available to members of the committee and students.