The Year Abroad forms an integral part of your Cambridge course. It is worth spending time and effort in planning it so that it fulfills your expectations and requirements.
The Faculty Year Abroad Office is here to help you, so please do not hesitate to consult our records and ask for advice.
You may spend your Year Abroad in one or more of the following ways:
You should begin to think about how you will spend your Year Abroad (normally the third year of your course) as early as possible, and certainly as soon as your second year begins. A Faculty meeting is organized for all second year students at the very beginning of Michaelmas Term, and you should make it a priority to attend.
The more thorough your preparation, the more successful and satisfying your year will be. In your plans you should bear the following in mind:
- How can my Year Abroad contribute to my Part II course, especially to my Year Abroad project and the Part II oral?
- How can I best gain practical experience of the foreign language and culture?
- How can I gain in personal development? Which of the options would be best suited to me? Teaching, studying or working?
- How might I gain useful experience for my future career?