Board Overview
The Faculty Board oversees the work of the Faculty, and answers to the General Board of the Faculties. The Faculty Board is required by Statute to:
- make recommendations to the General Board for any changes which it considers desirable in the Ordinances for those examinations with which it is concerned.
- submit to the General Board nominations of such examiners as it is required by Ordinance of the General Board to nominate.
- be responsible to the General Board for ensuring the provision of appropriate instruction and adequate facilities for research in the subjects of the Faculty
- be responsible for preparing the teaching programme of the Faculty, and for ensuring that the teaching given is of a high standard.
- For the discharge of these duties it shall be empowered:
- (a) to make representations to the General Board concerning the resources needed by the Faculty for the support of its activities in teaching and research;
- (b) to prescribe the subjects in which instruction is to be given in the teaching programme of the Faculty;
- (c) to authorize courses of lectures and other instruction to be given by persons not holding University offices, under such conditions of remuneration as may be approved by the General Board;
- (d) to report to the General Board if any University officer in the Faculty is not performing satisfactorily the duties of his or her office or is not fulfilling the conditions attaching to it.
- The Secretary of each Faculty Board shall be responsible for the proper application of the funds available to the Faculty, other than those for which Heads of Departments are responsible under the provisions of Statute C, V, 3(c), for ensuring that the approved estimate of expenditure is not exceeded, and that the accounts are correctly maintained; provided always that if the General Board so requires these duties shall be assigned by the Faculty Board to some other person approved by the General Board.
- The Faculty Board shall submit to the General Board, estimates of annual expenditure for consideration by the Board in accordance with Statute C, I, 1(b).
The following Faculty Committees report to the Faculty Board: Planning and Resources Committee, Degree Committee, Graduate Studies Committee, Research Strategy Committee, Undergraduate Studies Committee, Staff Student Liaison Committee, and the Systems Committee.
The Degree Committee reports to the General Board, and has particular responsibilities for postgraduate teaching and examining.
An Annual Meeting of Faculty Members is held each November for the election of a member(s) to the Faculty Board. Election is by ballot. All Members of the Faculty are eligible for election to the Faculty Board. A list of Faculty Members is promulgated every year. At the annual meeting, and at any other meeting, of a Faculty there may be a discussion of any matter connected with the work of the Faculty that may be raised by any member of the Faculty after notice given to the members, or at the discretion of the Chairman without notice. No resolution of a Faculty shall be binding on the Faculty Board (Statute C, III).