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Current undergraduates

Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos

Students combining Middle Eastern Studies with an MML language can find information about the structure of their course on the Faculty of AMES website and in the undergraduate handbook

Part IA

Part IA is the first year of the MML course. Undergraduates who have obtained honours in another Tripos may take Part IA one year after doing so, but not later than their third year. Candidates for Part IA must offer two languages. With the exception of French and Latin (where only Option B is available), they must choose one of two options for each of their languages (A or B), at least one language must be offered as Option B. Option B papers are taught at a level of post-A2 (or equivalent). Option A papers are taught at beginners level. An undergraduate's College can often give advice concerning the possibility of taking up a new language, and can indicate what preliminary steps, before coming up to Cambridge, are desirable.

To obtain honours in Part IA, a candidate must pass the examinations in both languages. A separate degree classification will be awarded for each language.

The precise contents of each of these examinations will vary, as appropriate, between languages. Full details should be obtained from the Departments concerned.

For full details on combining MML with Classics at Part IA and Part IB please see the MML with Classics page.

The examination for each language in Part IA is as follows:

Option A Modern Language

  • Paper A1. Introduction to the foreign language, 1 - Use of the foreign language.
  • Paper A2. Introduction to the foreign language, 2 (two hours) - Translation from the foreign language. Assessed as two thirds of an examination paper.
  • Paper A3. Introduction to the foreign language, 3 - Introduction to Literature / History / Culture / Linguistics.
  • Oral examination A. Assessed as one third of an examination paper.

Option B Modern Language

  • Paper B1. Use of the foreign language
  • Paper B2. Translation from the foreign language (two hours) - assessed as two thirds of an examination paper.
  • Oral examination B - assessed as one third of an examination paper.
  • One paper from Schedule IA relating to the language concerned.

Details of papers to be taken when combining MML with Classics are available here.

Part IB

Part IB is the second year of the MML course. In order to be eligible to take Part IB, a candidate must have passed Part IA of the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos or, obtained honours in another Honours Examination in the previous year and obtained prior approval of the Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages. Optional papers taken for Part IB may not be repeated at Part II level, although they may provide the subject area for the year abroad project.

The combination of papers taken for Part IB will depend upon the combination offered at Part IA.

There will be a single degree classification for Part IB.

For some scheduled papers there is the option to replace the examination paper with coursework - currently an Examination by Long Essay.

Post- Option A + Option B:

  • Paper B1. Use of the foreign language relating to the Option A language.
  • Paper B2. Translation from the foreign language (two hours) - assessed as two thirds of an examination paper - relating to the Option A language.
  • Oral examination B - assessed as one third of an examination paper - relating to the Option A language.
  • One paper from Schedule IB relating to the Option A language.
  • A second paper from Schedule IB relating to any language or in linguistics.
  • Either a third paper from Schedule IB relating to any language or in linguistics or Paper B3 + MD in the Option B language.(Translation into the foreign language (60%) and test in the foreign language through audio-visual media (40%) ).

Post- Option B + Option B:

  • Paper B3 + MD in language 1: Translation into the foreign language (60%) and test in the foreign language through the media (40%).
  • Paper B3 + MD in language 2: Translation into the foreign language (60%) and test in the foreign language through the media (40%).
  • Three papers chosen from Schedule IB.

Part II

Part II of the Tripos is a two-year course, comprising the year abroad and the final year in Cambridge.

There is a single examination classification for Part II, which is the culmination of the work carried out during the two years.

The Year Abroad

Candidates are normally required to reside abroad for a period of at least eight months and to undertake during that time either a course of study approved by the Faculty at a university, or an assistantship at a school, or some other form of employment approved by the Faculty. The period of residence abroad in a location or locations under conditions approved by the Faculty Board shall normally coincide with the academic year in Cambridge, beginning in October. Application forms, obtained from the Year Abroad Office must be submitted by the first Friday of the Full Lent Term before the year to be spent abroad.

The following academic work must be undertaken during the Year Abroad: the Year Abroad Project, preparation for the Part II oral examination, those studying abroad must achieve a certain number of ECTS points. The YAP shall normally be completed during a student's Year Abroad and shall not be worked on for any period of term-time residence in Cambridge during the Year Abroad, although some face-to-face supervision might take place.

Immediately on placements completion, students are required to submit a Certificate of Attendance and a Report on the Year Abroad.

More information on the requirements can be obtained from the Year Abroad Office.

The Year in Cambridge

The final mark for Part II will be based on the average for six papers (including the mark for the oral examination), as follows:

  • Submission of the Year Abroad Project = 1 Paper. This is completed during the Year Abroad and submitted at the start of the Michaelmas Term of the final year.
  • Language papers = 2 Papers
    • Paper C1: Translation into and from FL (weighted as 70% of a paper).
    • Paper C2: Foreign Language: Text and Culture (weighted as 70% of a paper).
    • Oral C Examination (weighted as 60% of a paper).
  • Three papers chosen from Schedule II and Schedule D (borrowed) papers. No more than two papers from Schedule D can be offered. 
    • Optionally, one written paper from Schedule II can be replaced by an Optional Dissertation.