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Governance of the Faculty

Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Student Engagement at MMLL

Students working together

Faculty Board

This functions as the Governing Body of the Faculty. It makes representations to the University's General Board concerning the resources the Faculty needs for teaching and research: it is responsible for the content of all the Faculty's courses, for the organisation of the lecture courses, examinations, year abroad arrangements, etc. It consists of both ex officio and elected members. Members in Class f (student members) are elected in November each year: two undergraduates and one graduate. They have voting rights on the Board, and attend for all matters of unreserved business. Reserved business is restricted to those matters which concern individuals in the Faculty. The Faculty Board meets three times per term. A slot is reserved on the agenda of each Faculty Board meeting to allow students to raise urgent matters.

The graduate representative is also a voting member of the Graduate Union's governing council.

Faculty Committees

The student members of the Faculty Board are ex officio on the Faculty's Library Committee, which normally meets once a year to decide on various issues of Library policy. There is also a less formal body on Library matters, the Student Library User Group. Students are represented on an ad hoc basis on various Faculty working parties and sub-committees.

Staff-Student Liaison Committees

Each Section of the Faculty has its own Staff-Student Liaison Committee (SSLC), which meets once a Term in Michaelmas and Lent. In the Easter term, all Departmental SSLCs will come together for a Faculty-wide meeting to discuss the major issues of the year.

College Representatives

Each College is asked to choose one representative for the year at the start of the Michaelmas Term. Student members of the Faculty Board convene meetings of the College representatives to consult them on matters of concern, take up suggestions made by college reps, etc. College reps themselves are expected to liaise with MML students in their own Colleges, and to take up questions which they raise. College representatives are encouraged to put themselves forward to stand as student representatives on the relevant Faculty Staff Student Liaison Committee