If you are supporting a young person who is thinking about their university options, it is likely that you have your own questions and concerns about them entering higher education.
We value enormously the support and encouragement that teachers, tutors, and HE advisers give to students who may be thinking of applying here. You'll find lots of useful advice and guidance, both subject-specific and University-wide, in the links below.
- Guide for Teachers & Advisers - The University's comprehensive guide for teachers, tutors and HE advisers
- Teacher and Parent Info - The University's advice page for parents, supporters, teachers and advisers
- Teachers' Newsletter - Subscribe to Cambridge Admissions Office's monthly newsletter for up-to-date news on events, admissions, and resources for students and teachers.
- Area Links Scheme - College admissions staff are always available to give advice on admissions policy and other matters. Follow the link to find out which Cambridge College is connected to your area.
- Conferences & Events for Teachers - Information about events run by Cambridge Admissions Office, Colleges and Departments
- University of Cambridge Virtual Tour - Includes Departments, Colleges and University-wide facilities
- Cambridge University Alternative Prospectus - Written by current and recently graduated students
- Guide to Personal Statements & Wider Reading - Useful advice from the Cambridge University Students' Union, breaking down common misconceptions
- InsideUni - A student-led project to make the Oxbridge application process more accessible, Includes subject-specific application guides, interview insights, and a range of useful videos.
More information
We have lots of valuable resources and information about events and initiatives on our Outreach pages.
If you're a teacher or HE adviser, please sign up to our Outreach mailing list.