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Part IA

Part IA   |   Part IB   |   Part II

In your first year you will study four units:

Modern Languages papers

Option A: Core language papers for German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish from scratch (ab initio)

Paper No. Paper
A1 Use of the foreign language
A2 Translation from the foreign language
A3 Introduction to literature/culture (titles vary according to language studied)
Oral A Oral examination A

Option B: Core language papers for post-A-level French, German, Italian, Russian or Spanish

Paper No. Paper
B1 Use of the foreign language
B2 Translation from the foreign language
Oral B Oral examination B

Students in Option B will take the relevant introductory Modern Language paper:

Paper No. Paper
Fr1 Introduction to French literature, linguistics, film and thought
Ge1 Introduction to German studies
It1 Texts and contexts
Sp1 Introduction to the language, literatures and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world
SL1 Introduction to Russian culture

History papers

Students will take Introduction to Historical Thinking and one paper from the following range:

Paper No. Paper
Outline 1 Ancient and Medieval States and Societies over the First Millennium
Outline 2 The British Isles in the Middle Ages, c. 800 to c. 1500
Outline 3 Later Medieval Europe
Outline 4 Early Modern Britain
Outline 5 Europe in the World, ca 1450-1780
Outline 6 Global Eighteenth Century
Outline 7 Modern Britain and Ireland, 1750-Present
Outline 8  Modern Europe, 1789-1914
Outline 9 North America, Central America, and the Caribbean, 1775-Present
Outline 10 The Global South From 1750 to the Present Day
Outline 11 The Twentieth-Century World

Click here for full details on the History papers