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Research by Language

Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Research in Portuguese

The First Mass in Brazil (detail, 1993) by Paula Rego



Conde, Dr Maite

​Maite Conde’s research focuses on modern Brazilian culture. More specifically her work engages with questions concerning the relationship between cinema, literature and modernity in Brazil. This involves a sustained examination of theoretical debates regarding the productive dialogue between film and literary modernism in the early 1900s, discussions concerning cinema and modernity in Brazil’s First Republic, and the relationship between film and modern politics from the 1930s onwards. 

Kogut Lessa de Sá, Dr Viven

​Vivien Kogut Lessa de Sá is interested in comparative studies involving Brazilian, Portuguese and English literatures and in early modern travel writing.

Lisboa, Prof Maria Manuel

Maria Manuel (Manucha) Lisboa's research interests lie in the area of manifestations of political, religious and social dissent in literary and visual texts in Portugal and Brazil from the nineteenth century to the present.


Schuery, Felipe

Felipe Schuery has a Master’s degree in Literature and Discourse Analysis and worked on the notion of "Image of the Author" in the Academia Brasileira de Letras. Moreover, he is interested in Children’s Literature - his first book was published in 2013: Ralf & Demi – Uma história de duas metades (Quatro Cantos); Foreign Language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics and Translation.

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Book publication: The New Cambridge History of Russian Literature

4 December 2024

The New Cambridge History of Russian Literature (Cambridge University Press) has been edited by Prof Simon Franklin, Dr Rebecca Reich and Prof Emma Widdis, with contributions from thirty-four scholars including Dr Anna Berman, Prof Franklin, Dr Reich and Prof Widdis.

Languages, Power and Cultures (Trinity College) and Langevity (Emmanuel College) programmes open for applications

2 December 2024

Applications are open for the Languages, Power and Cultures Programme at Trinity College, aimed at students in their penultimate school year.

Selwyn Sykes Cambridge Masters Studentship in Italian Studies

20 November 2024

Selwyn College will offer two studentships for UK MPhil students in Italian Studies for entry in October 2025.

Doyle Calhoun on archives, literature and anticolonial resistance

18 November 2024

Content Notice: This article contains discussions of colonial violence and suicide. Dr Doyle D. Calhoun teaches and works on a range of topics related to African and Caribbean literatures and cinemas; Senegalese literature and cinema in French and Wolof; the archives and afterlives of French slavery; Négritude; and the...