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Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos

Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


MML Part IA - List of Papers

Exam Hall

The following papers are available to students taking Part IA of the MML Tripos. The list of papers offered may vary from year to year.

Papers listed are those available in the academic year 2024-25.

'A' papers ('Option A') are mandatory for students studying the language ab initio.

'B' papers ('Option B') are mandatory for students studying the language post A-level.

French Papers (post A Level or equivalent) German Papers (ab initio) German Papers (post A Level or equivalent) Italian Papers (ab initio) Italian Papers (post A Level or equivalent) Portuguese Papers (ab initio) Portuguese Papers (post A Level or equivalent) Slavonic Papers (ab initio) Slavonic Papers (post A Level or equivalent) Spanish Papers (ab initio) Spanish Papers (post A Level or equivalent)