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Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos

Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


The Year Abroad Project

MML - a journey. Meanderings in Marseille

Students spend their third year studying or working abroad. This page details the project that students undertake in their third year. Read more about the Year Abroad and the options available.

During their Year Abroad, MML students are required to produce a piece of work (a Year Abroad Project) which can be either a dissertation, a translation project or a linguistics project. The projects are submitted at the start of the MML Part II year and the subject area of the YAP forms the basis of discussion for the Oral C examination.

Students on their Year Abroad in 2022-23 can find more information about their YAP here.

You may also be interested in the information on our Learning Resources page.

Students should receive the equivalent of four hours of supervision for their YAP. This can be by face-to-face contact, or by phone or email and may include the reading of a draft.

The Dissertation

This is an extended piece of work of no more than 8,000 words, on any subject that falls within the field of modern and medieval languages, including linguistics and comparative studies, subject to the availability of a supervisor and examiners. Please notify us of the language in which you will be writing your dissertation when you submit your initial plans. 

The Translation Project

The translation may fall within any language area studied in MML, provided there are supervision and assessment resources available in the Faculty. The source text to be translated may be literary or non-literary, may date from any period in history and should normally be between 2,000 and 3,000 words in length. The translation must be accompanied by an introduction and 'translator's note' of no more than 4,000 words.

The Linguistics Project

This will consist of the analysis of linguistic data of between 2,000 and 3,000 words in length, and should be accompanied by a morpheme-by-morpheme gloss, transcription or other appropriate linguistic representation; a translation; and a formal analysis, which must be no more than 4,000 words.

Submitting your YAP

Please submit your YAP on the part II Moodle page. For MML please use this page.  For HML please use this page.

Please ensure that you submit your YAP and the declaration form. You can find links to submit both of these on the Moodle page. Please read the instructions on the Moodle page as well. If you have any problems please email before the deadline which is Friday 6th October 2023 at 4pm for both.