Contact us
Many Faculty Staff are working from home on some days of the week, but there will be staff available in person. View a list of key people and sections and their contact details.
Staff list
View an alphabetical list of MMLL staff members - find out more about them and how they can be contacted.
How is the Faculty organised? Our Chairs of Faculty are assisted by a Business Operations Manager and an Assistant Faculty Manager. Boards and committees also help to keep our work running smoothly.
News and events
What's going on in the world of MMLL? View our latest stories and successes.
The Faculty is a fantastic place to work and study. If you'd like to join us, this is where to check for our vacancies and opportunities.
Academic visitors
Interested in becoming a Visiting Scholar at MMLL? Learn more about the requirements, what we have to offer you and how to apply.
Public engagement
We provide an Annual Lecture which is free of charge and open to everyone. It's part of the Cambridge Festival which offers many free events all over the city. See what's coming up and browse previous lectures.
Read more about the facilities we have at MMLL for languages and linguistics students and staff, from the library to our Phonetics and Psycholinguistics Laboratories.