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Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos

Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Oral C Examination

The Oral Examination for MML Part II takes place the week before the start of teaching in the Michaelmas Term of your Part II year. This will take place on 3rd and 4th October 2024. 

Students taking the Oral Examination for Tripos 2025, please see here.

Aims and objectives

The examination will consist of a five-minute presentation and a ten-minute conversation between the candidate and the examiners. The subject of the discussion shall usually be the candidate's Year Abroad Project.

During their year abroad candidates are expected to develop their speaking skills in the foreign language to a level that will enable them to present the main points and conclusions of their Year Abroad Project in a short 5 minute summary. Students are also expected to be able to discuss their project with the examiners using the language at the appropriate register with accuracy and precision.


The examination is weighted as 60% of an examination paper. The C1 and C2 papers carry 70% each and the three examinations together weigh the same as two full examination papers.

More information: