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Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos

Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


MML Part II Optional Dissertation

At Part II of the MML Tripos, students have the option for one of their scheduled papers to be examined by dissertation rather than the 3 hour written exam. All of the scheduled papers available at MML Part II can be examined in this manner, with the exception of the following: GR3, GR6, PG3, SL3, SL9, SL13, SP8, SP10.

Students apply to submit a dissertation by providing the Faculty Office with a proposed title for their dissertation which is then forwarded to the relevant Section for approval. All students must first find a supervisor and agree a title with them, and then seek approval from their Director of Studies. Students will then submit their proposed titles via an online Google survey. The Faculty will contact the relevant DoS and supervisor to confirm their approval. The Faculty will inform each student of its approval or otherwise via email. An Optional Dissertation handbook is available on the MML Part II Moodle site. Students should download and read this handbook carefully, paying particular attention to the information on overlap. The important points relating to overlap are listed below:

  • Students may not offer a dissertation in place of a paper that they have offered in a previous part of the Tripos (e.g. in MML Part IB).
  • Students may not offer a dissertation on a subject which contains substantial overlap with the subject of their Year Abroad Project.
  • Students may not offer a dissertation on a subject that was a specific topic or set text in any paper available at MML Part IB.


The handbook for the Optional Dissertation Tripos 2025 is available in the Optional Dissertation section of the MML Part II Moodle site.

You may also find the Dissertation Toolkit useful while planning and writing your OD.

Summary of dates for Tripos 2024

What? When?
Submission of proposed title Friday 25th October 2024
Submission of change to title Friday 31st January 2025
Submission of Optional Dissertation Monday 17th March 2025 (4.00 pm)