MML/ASNC share the following aims:
- the support of long-term high-quality individual research projects (an objective carried over from RAE 2008);
- the enhancement of interdisciplinary research, cutting across Departments and Faculties, through the operation of research clusters and strategic initiatives (discussed under ‘Income, infrastructure, and facilities’ below);
- the extension of research collaboration (again an objective of many Departments in 2008, discussed in the section on ‘Collaboration’ below).
Three specific goals in connection with these general aims are as follows:
- to ensure that the range of languages and cultures studied within the Faculty is maintained and, where possible, enhanced (in this connection, the creation of a new post in Brazilian Studies from October 2013 is a significant development);
- to develop interdisciplinary collaboration within the research clusters across the language Departments and ASNC; and in the Language Sciences under the auspices of the University's Strategic Research Initiative in this area.
- to encourage and enhance research in Film/Screen Media Studies.