The following papers are available to students taking Part IB of the MML Tripos. The list of papers offered may vary from year to year.
Papers listed are those available in the academic year 2024-2025.
Students who took one Option A (ab initio) language and one Option B (post A Level) language at Part IA will take:
- Papers B1 and B2, together with oral examination B, in the language which you previously studied at Option A (ab initio), and
- one scheduled paper relating to the Option A (ab initio) language, and
- a second paper from the list of scheduled papers, and
- either a third paper from the list of scheduled papers or the B3 + MD papers in the language which you previously studied at Option B.
- As Part I is understood as a two-year programme, it is not possible for Option A students to switch language in your second year and take the language papers (B1 and B2) in a new language. You may of course take up a third language through one of the scheduled papers such as PG3 or SP6. Other scheduled papers can be taken from any language area assuming you have sufficient linguistic proficiency to manage the reading.
Students who took two Option B (post A Level) languages at Part IA will take:
- B3 + MD papers in both languages, and
- three papers chosen from the list of scheduled papers.
Details of the options for students who took one Classical language (Classical Latin or Classical Greek) are available on the MML with Classics page.
Students may only offer one of the "Introduction to the language and culture..." papers (those identified with an asterisk *).
Papers with a dagger symbol (†) are available for examination by Long Essay.
Papers with a hash symbol (#) at the end of the title have managed numbers.
Catalan (General Paper) Comparative Studies Scheduled Papers French Language Papers French Scheduled Papers- FR 2 - Structure and varieties of French #
- FR 3† - Inventing French literature
- FR 4† - Rethinking the human: French literature, thought and culture, 1500-1700
- FR 5† - Revolutions in writing, 1700-1900
- FR 6† - Innovation and upheaval: deformation and reformulation in the 20th and 21st centuries
- GE B1 - Use of German
- GE B2 - Translation from German and Oral B
- GE B3 - Translation into German and German through the Media
- GE 2† - German history and thought since 1750
- GE 4† - The making of German culture
- GE 5† - Modern German culture (1): 1750-1914
- GE 6† - Modern German culture (2): 1890 to the present day
- GE 7† - German: a linguistic introduction
- IT B1 - Use of Italian
- IT B2 - Translation from Italian and Oral B
- IT B3 - Translation into Italian and Italian through the Media
- IT 2† - Structures and Varieties of Italian
- IT 3† - Italian cinema
- IT 4† - Autobiography and self-representation in Italian culture
- IT 5 - Italian identities: place, language and culture
- LI 1 - Sounds and words
- LI 2 - Structures and meanings
- LI 3 - Language, brains and machines #
- LI 4 - Linguistic variation and change
- PG B1 - Use of Portuguese
- PG B2 - Translation from Portuguese and Oral B
- PG B3 - Translation into Portuguese and Portuguese through the Media
- PG 1 - Introduction to the language, literatures and cultures of Portuguese-speaking countries (available to ex-ab initio students only)
- PG 4† - Lusophone Culture, History and Politics
- SP 11 - The Hispanic languages
- SL B1 - Use of Russian
- SL B2 - Translation from Russian and Oral B
- SL B3 - Translation into Russian and Russian through the Media
- SL 2 - The history and culture of Early Rus
- SL 3 - The Making of Ukraine: History and Culture of Early Modernity
- SL 4† - Russian culture from the Golden Age to the Silver Age
- SL 6† - Russian Culture after 1953
- SL 7† - Soviet and Russian Cinema
- SL 8 –The history of the Russian language
- SL 9* - Introduction to the language, literature and culture of Ukraine
- SL 13* - Introduction to the language, literature and culture of Poland
- SL14† - Russian Culture from 1895 to the Death of Stalin