Overall academic responsibility for the governance of the Faculty is shared by the Chairs of Faculty: Prof JD Rhodes (2023-2027) and Prof Ianthi Tsimpli (2021-2025).
They are assisted by the Business Operations Manager, Ms Lucy Matthews and the Deputy Faculty Manager, Mr Jon Bolderson.
There are a number of boards and committees which manage and coordinate activities at the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics.
The Faculty Board is the main body which oversees the work of the whole Faculty. A range of Faculty Committees report to the Faculty Board, including the Planning and Resources Committee, the Degree Committee, the Postgraduate Studies Committee, the Research Strategy Committee, the Undergraduate Studies Committee, the EDI Committee and the IT Committee.
Student engagement is an important aspect of governance at the Faculty. There are Staff Student Liaison Committees for each Section, which comprise of student representatives and academic staff, and report to the Faculty Board. There is also a separate Postgraduate level Staff-Student Liaison Committee which reports to the Postgraduate Committee.