In the following marking criteria higher grades should demonstrate not only the qualities specified for that class but also all the qualities expected of lower grades.
HML Tripos
Linguistics Tripos
MML Tripos
- Scheduled Papers
- Translation into English (Papers A2 and B2)
- Translation into English (Paper C1)
- Translation into the Foreign Language Part IB (Paper B3)
- Language through the media (Paper MD)
- Examination by Long Essay
- Translation into the Foreign Language Part II (Paper C1)
- Text and Culture (Paper C2)
- Year Abroad Project - Dissertation
- Year Abroad Project - Translation Project
- Year Abroad Project - Linguistics Project
- Part II Optional Dissertation
- Oral A (Part IA)
- Oral B (Part IA and Part IB)
- Oral C (Part II)
- Part IA/IB Use of the Language (Paper B1)
- Part IA Use of the Language (Paper A1, ab initio)