Within the Section of German and Dutch, there are regular opportunities to consult members of staff on all matters relating to the Tripos and the course of study in general.
The Director of Section, Dr Charlotte Lee, is happy to be consulted at any time and students are welcome to e-mail her at cll38@cam.ac.uk.
The Undergraduate teaching and Examining Office, Prof Silke Mentchen, co-ordinates the undergraduate teaching arrangement and chairs the Staff-Student Liaison Committee. Students are encouraged to e-mail her at scm30@cam.ac.uk.
The Section holds a number of meetings for students throughout the year including receptions for Freshers and students returning from their year abroad, and meetings to explain the German Year Abroad options and to present the Part IB and Part II scheduled papers. The Section also has a Staff-Student Liaison Committee, which meets regularly to consider questions that arise at all levels of undergraduate and postgraduate study.
The Section welcomes feedback at any time. At the end of each term online questionnaires are organised asking for comments on the term's work. Notification of these is sent out by email. Students are strongly urged to participate and responses are discussed by the Director of Section and teaching staff.
At Faculty level a Staff-Student Liaison Committee aims to ensure that good communications are maintained. Additionally, student members of the Faculty Board convene meetings of the colleges' student representatives to consult them on matters of concern, take up suggestions made by college reps, etc.