CAMCCEEES supports students and scholars involved in teaching and/or research in all aspects of Central and East European and Eurasian Studies. It is led by a Steering Committee that reflects this disciplinary diversity.
Dr Olenka Pevny (Slavonic Studies)
Mel Bach (University Library)
Steering Committee
Dr Stanley Bill (Slavonic Studies)
Professor Rosalind Blakesley (History of Art)
Professor Marina Frolova-Walker (Music)
Professor Celia Donert (History)
Dr Imre Galambos (Asian and Middle Eastern Studies)
Dr Gareth Rees (Geography)
Professor Brendan Simms (Politics and International Studies)
Professor Emma Widdis (Slavonic Studies)
Dr Harald Wydra (Politics and International Studies)
Spotlight: Professor Rosalind Polly Blakesley
Professor Rosalind Polly Blakesley's current research interest is the cultural exchange between Western Europe and Russia. She was the co-editor of Russian Art and the West (2007), and was awarded a Leverhulme Fellowship from 2009-10 to work on a new book that examines painting and patronage in Russia from 1757 to 1873. The project pays particular attention to transnational and transcultural dialogue in considering how Russia's painters evolved from untrained individuals in awe of their Western counterparts, to proud professionals claiming their place on the international stage. The Cambridge Courtauld Russian Art Centre, which Professor Blakesley founded and co-directs, has also run various conferences and workshops which investigate the complexity of Russia's cultural relationship with the West during the Imperial and Soviet periods. See for more information.