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Slavonic Studies


Current PhD Students in Slavonic Studies





Research Topic


Stepan Blinder Fitzwilliam College Western European Books in the Eastern European Cultural Frontier: the Library of Zamoyski Academy (16-17th century) Dr Olenka Pevny

Vera Gagarina

Trinity College

Penitentials and the question of their canonical authority in Rus’ in the 15-16 centuries

Prof Simon Franklin

Stefan Lacny

Trinity College

 "Foreign Encounters in the Western Borderlands: Depictions of Western Ukraine in Soviet Cinema, 1925-1941"

Prof Emma Widdis

Jordan Lian

Clare College

 "Kyiv, Moscow, Warsaw – Bronislava Nijinska in Interwar Eastern Europe"

Prof Stanley Bill

Delphi Mayther

St. John's College

The Role of Literary Folklore in Russian and Ukrainian Self-Definition, 1769-1798

Dr Anna Berman

Pavel Stepanov

Girton College

Modernity on Screen: Cultural Import into Soviet Cinema (1923 - 1929)

Prof Emma Widdis

Ekaterina Zadirko

Trinity College

Growing up Soviet: Writing the Self in Male Teenagers’ Diaries (1930s –1941)

Prof Emma Widdis

Dmitrii Bezuglov

Selwyn College

The programming of Soviet Central Television from 1957 to 1971

Prof Emma Widdis

Alexey Izosimov

Clare College

The social and cultural significance of tangible cultural heritage among local professionals and volunteers who engaged with Ancient Russian monuments primarily in the 1970s-1980s

Prof Catriona Kelly


For recent PhD awardees, please see here.