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Slavonic Studies


Current PhD Students in Slavonic Studies





Research Topic


Aleksandra Bessonova Trinity College Intuition in Late Imperial and Soviet Russian Thought (1910s—1930s) Prof Emma Widdis
Dmitrii Bezuglov

Selwyn College

From stage to screen to society: KVN and the transformation of Soviet youth entertainment in the 1960s

Prof Emma Widdis

Stepan Blinder Fitzwilliam College  City of Books: The Making of a Global University Library in Early Modern Zamoyski Academy  Dr Olenka Pevny

Vera Gagarina

Trinity College

The Influence of Byzantium on Medieval Russia: Analysis of the Translations of the Lives of the Saints from Greek into Church Slavonic in the 11th and 12th centuries

Prof Simon Franklin

Alina Ivanova Girton College “Scratch a Russian, and you’ll find a Tatar:” Russian conflicting identity vis-àvis the Orient from the middle 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century Dr Anna Berman
Alexey Izosimov

Clare College

Heritage discourses and experiences of local professionals and volunteers in 1965-1991 Soviet Russia

Prof Catriona Kelly

Jordan Lian

Clare College

 "Kyiv, Moscow, Warsaw – Bronislava Nijinska in Interwar Eastern Europe"

Prof Stanley Bill

Delphi Mayther

St John's College

The Ever-Changing Smell of Rus′: The Birth and Evolution of Folklore as a Literary Genre, 1760-1900 Dr Anna Berman
Oleg Morozov Christ's College Queer Memory in Post-Soviet Russia: Forging and Repressing Usable Pasts in the Russian LGBTQ Community Dr Daria Ezerova

Pavel Stepanov

Girton College

Modernity on Screen: Cultural Import into Soviet Cinema (1923 - 1929)

Prof Emma Widdis

Katerina Sviderska King's College Reimagining the Past from Below : Memory(ies), Nation(s) and Reconciliation(s) in Ukraine Prof Rory Finnin
Constance Uzwyshyn Fitzwilliam College Ukrainian Art on Fire Dr Olenka Pevny
Ekaterina Zadirko

Trinity College

Growing up Soviet: Writing the Self in Male Teenagers’ Diaries (1930s –1941)

Prof Emma Widdis


For recent PhD awardees, please see here.