This paper is composed of two parts: Translation from Russian into English and spoken Russian.
In Translation you will be working with texts in the authentic Russian. This exercise will expose you to a range of more complex grammatical structures and will help you to expand your vocabulary. It will highlight linguistic differences between the two languages, foster nuanced understanding of reading material in Russian and encourage you to think about various problem-solving strategies when rendering a Russian text into stylistically appropriate, idiomatic English.
Oral practice will help you to develop your ability to maintain a conversation and to express your thoughts and ideas in Russian.
The Translation component aims to foster qualities essential in language learning: depth, accuracy, clarity and flexibility. You will acquire the ability to read, understand and translate Russian texts into appropriately idiomatic English by developing your grasp of the grammatical structures of Russian, building up your vocabulary and improving your analytical and problem-solving skills. You will be encouraged to reflect on a range of idiomatic means by which to convey the meaning of the source text most accurately and effectively.
The Oral component: by the end of the academic year you should be able to engage in a conversation, to talk fluently in idiomatic, stylistically appropriate and grammatically correct Russian, and to formulate ideas of some intellectual substance.
In Translation, you will be working on a variety of texts of different periods, styles and register. The texts will be available on Moodle.
The work in Oral supervisions will be based on the online interactive course that has been specifically tailored for the needs of Cambridge students. The online course is designed to help you to expand your vocabulary systematically, gradually progressing from basic topics to more sophisticated discussions. The online resource will also encourage you to revise grammar. You will be presented with various texts and videos (which will also be available on Moodle).
Translation will be taught fortnightly in Michaelmas, Lent and Easter terms. Written assignments will be set for every class.
Oral practice will be taught in small groups, in weekly supervisions in Michaelmas and Lent terms. The allocation to Translation classes and Oral supervisions will be made on the basis of the Diagnostic test at the start of the Michaelmas Term.
For the SLB2 Moodle site, please see here.
At the end of the academic year there will be a written examination for which you will be presented two passages for translation into Russian.
Your Oral competence will be tested in a separate examination before the start of the Easter Term. 15 minutes before the examination you will be given a text in Russian. You will then be asked to read a few sentences from the text, give a brief summary of the content, and engage in a discussion on the subject of the passage.
You will get feedback on your Oral performance in the form of an online report at the end of the Michaelmas and Lent Terms.
In addition, for Oral there will be regular vocabulary tests.
Dr Elena Filimonova | |
Vera Tsareva-Brauner |