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Part IB

Option A and Option B

All students take five papers in their second year, which is known as Part IB. As in your first year, the range of choices depends on whether you started Russian at Cambridge as a beginner or as a post A-level student. You can also embark on a course in Ukrainian Studies or Polish Studies. As in your first year, you still have to work on two languages offered in two different Departments. However, the IB course is more flexible in that it allows you to choose - within limits - how many of your papers should be from the Slavonic Department or from another department in the Faculty. The overall structure of Part IB in the MML Faculty is described here.

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Slavonic News

Slavonic Studies Translation Speaker Series: 'Translating Postcoloniality in Post-Soviet Literature and Culture’

7 February 2025

We warmly invite you to attend the Slavonic Studies/CamCCEEES joint 2024-25 Speaker Series, which is dedicated to the subject of 'Translation'. In conceptualising this lecture series, we conceived of 'translation' in the broadest of terms. That is, not just as the translation of words or texts from one language into...

The Annual Medieval and Early Modern Slavonic Workshop Series presents 'Early Modern Extinction' with Dr. Tomasz Grusiecki

22 January 2025

The Annual Medieval and Early Modern Slavonic Workshop Series presents ‘Early Modern Extinction’, led by Dr. Tomasz Grusiecki , Associate Professor of Early Modern European Art and Material Culture at Boise State University.
