Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages Raised Faculty Building University of Cambridge Sidgwick Avenue Cambridge CB3 9DA United Kingdom
Dominic Keown specialises in contemporary Iberian culture. He has published widely on the ideological dimension of Catalan literature, Sobre la poesia catalana contemporània (Valencia: Tres i Quatre, 1996), Polifonia de la subversió: la veu col.lectiva de Vicent Andrés Estellés (Valencia: Tandem, 2000), A Companion to Catalan Culture (London: Tamesis, 2011) and, in collaboration with the poet Tom Owen, After the Classics: the selected verse of Vicent Andrés Estellés (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2013). He also writes on cinema from Spain with particular reference to Buñuel, Berlanga, Monleón and Bigas Luna. His current interests extend to the interface between Catalan and Spanish creativity, transnational issues in the cultural production of Catalonia and the metacritical divide between Hispanism and Iberian Studies. He is the editor of the Journal of Catalan Studies and the Anglo-Catalan Society's Occasional Papers and the editor/translator of Salvat-Papasseit (1982; 2005), Ausiàs March (3 vols: 1986; 1989; 1993), Valle-Inclán (1991) and Joan Fuster (1992; 2006).
Professor Keown welcomes inquiries from potential MPhil and PhD students with research interests relevant to his interests.