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Part IA Portuguese

Part IA Option A (ab initio)

The ab initio course in Portuguese

Two language papers and one translation/commentary/literature paper. See also: General advice on studying Portuguese ab initio.

The Part IA examination itself will consist of:

  • PGA1: Use of Portuguese
  • PGA2: Translation from Portuguese
  • PGA3: Introduction to Lusophone literature


The ab initio course is designed to take you from scratch (or GCSE) to A-level standard in the space of eight months (October-May). The course is, therefore, very intensive.

Students start Portuguese with a wide range of linguistic ability, from absolute zero (except that you should have made a start over the summer before coming) to those who have GCSE or have lived and travelled in Portugal or Latin America for an extended period of time.

You attend two language classes per week which take you through the major points of the grammar and syntax of Portuguese, while in a weekly supervision you will practise writing in Portuguese from day one. The language supervision is complemented by a weekly oral supervision with a native speaker, and both of these supervisions will take you through a graded series of topics designed to place language in context (for example, 'Smoking', 'Euthanasia', 'the Environment', etc.). From the beginning of the second term (Lent), the language supervisions for paper PGA3 will alternate fortnightly with lectures and supervisions designed to enable you to sample the literature, film and the visual arts of Portugal, Brazil and Mozambique. All Portuguese supervisions are centrally organised by the Department, with the approval of the relevant college.

In the third term (Easter) you will also be offered two sessions on commentary of passages in Portuguese for paper PGA3.

Part Ia Option B (post-A-level)

Portuguese Language Papers

The advanced language course is for first years who already have an 'A'-level (or equivalent) in Portuguese. There are classes in the 'Use of' the language, Translation from the language, and language/oral supervisions. All Portuguese supervisions are centrally organised by the Department, with the approval of the relevant college.

  • PGB1: Use of Portuguese
  • PGB2: Translation from Portuguese
  • PGBO: Portuguese Oral B

Portuguese Scheduled Paper in Part IA (option B)

All students following Option B (post A-level) will take one course, PG1: Introduction to the Language, Literatures and Cultures of Portuguese-speaking Countries.

All Portuguese supervisions are centrally organized by the Department, with the approval of the relevant college.