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SP10 Reading List

Below you will find a select bibliography of recommended secondary material which may be used in conjunction with the works of primary authors; though online bibliographical searches also offer access to a huge number of items relating to Catalan culture. Of particular interest in this respect are the cultural encyclopaedias Lletra (, Visat, the literary review of the Pen Club ( and Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ( all of which have an English version. An asterisk (*) denotes that the item is available on the course’s Camtools webpage and can be downloaded.

Modernism, the Avant-Garde, Catalanism (1833-1939)

History, language and general overview
  • Balcells, A. Catalan Nationalism Past and Present (Macmillan, 1996)
  • Barbé, E. & Segura, A. ‘Catalonia: From Industrialisation to the Present Day.’ A Companion to Catalan Culture (Tamesis, 2011), pp. 71-96.
  • Ealham, C. Anarchism and the City: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Barcelona, 1898- 1937 (Routledge, 2005)
  • Fuster, J. Literatura catalana contemporània (Editora Nacional, 1975)
  • Keown, D. ‘Contemporary Catalan Culture.’ A Companion to Catalan Culture (Tamesis, 2011) pp. 13-40.
  • Strubell, M. ‘The Catalan Language’ A Companion to Catalan Culture (Tamesis, 2011), pp. 117-142.
  • Terry, A. A Companion to Catalan Literature (Tamesis, 1999)

Modernisme and Barcelona

  • Epps, B. “Modern Spaces: Building Barcelona.” In Iberian Cities. Ed. Joan Ramon Resina.   New York: Routledge, 2001, pp. 148-197.
  • Epps, B. ‘Space in Motion: Barcelona and the Stages of (In)visibility.’ Arizona Journal of   Hispanic Cultural Studies, Volume 6, 2002, pp. 193-204.
  • Epps, B. ‘Before Postnationalism: Supernationalism, Modernisme, and Catalonia.’ Arizona   Journal of Hispanic Studies 7 (2003): 133-159.
  • Epps, B., (ed.), cluster of articles on Barcelona, Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies,   Volume 6, 2002.
  • Epps, B. 'Before Postnationalism: Supernationalism, Modernisme and Catalonia.' Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, 7:2003, 135-161.
  • Epps, B. ‘Barcelona and Modernity,’ Catalan Review: International Journal of Catalan   Culture 18.1-2 (2004).
  • Epps, B. “Els llocs d’enlloc: Aspiracions utòpiques i limitacions materials del Pla Cerdà.” Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, 63, 2007 (105-120)
  • Epps, B. ‘Modernisme in Catalonia.’ In Modernism. Astradur Eysteinsson and Vivian Liska (eds.) Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2007. 781-800.
  • Hughes, R. Barcelona (Vintage, 1993)
  • McCully, M. Homage to Barcelona: the city and its art (1888-1936) (Thames & Hudson: 1987)
  • Mackay, D. Modern Architecture in Barcelona (ACS, 1992)
  • Terry, A. “The poetry of Joan Maragall.” (
  • Tusquets, J. L'imperialisme cultural d'Eugeni d'Ors (Columna, 1989). [See also various Introductions to works by d'Ors in the UL (Pla, Murgades. Garrigues, Jardí, etc.)]

The Avant-Garde

  • Daniel, M. & Gale, M (eds.) Joan Miró: the ladder of escape. (Tate, 2011)
  • Epps, B. “The Avant-Garde Visual Poetry of Junoy and Salvat-Papasseit.” In Barcelona and Modernity: Picasso, Gaudí, Miró, Dalí. New Haven and London: Cleveland Museum of Art/ Yale University Press, 2006. 328-331.
  • Keown, D. (Ed.) Salvat-Papasseit: Selected Poems (ACS, 1982 [])
  • Keown, D. ‘Joan Salvat-Papasseit: a revolutionary domesticated.’ Catalan Review, XXII (2008), pp. 253-264.
  • Lanchner, C. Joan Miró (Museum of Modern Art N. Y., 1993).
  • Malet, R. M. Joan Miró (Polígrafa, 2003)

The Civil War and Franco Dictatorship (1940-1975)

  • Bath, A. 'Introduction' to Pere Calders, La verge de les vies. (Aris & Phillips, 1991), pp. 1-19.
  • Berga, M, 'George Orwell in his centenary year: A Catalan Perspective.'  (
  • Cirlot, L. El grupo 'Dau al Set' (Cátedra, 1986).
  • Cirlot, L. La pintura informal en Cataluña, 1951-1970 (Anthropos, 1983).
  • Carbonell, Neus. La plaça del Diamant (Empúries, 1996)
  • Castellet, J. M. Iniciación a la poesía de Salvador Espriu. (Taurus, 1972)
  • Enrici, M (et al) Barcelone 1947-2007 (Fondation Marguerite et Aimé Maeght, 2007).
  • Epps, Brad.  “Echoes and Traces: Catalan Cinema, or Cinema in Catalonia.”  A Companion to Spanish Cinema. Jo Labanyi and Tatjana Pavlovic (eds., Blackwell, 2013),  50-80.
  • Epps, Brad. “Solitude in the City: Victor Català with Mercè Rodoreda” Ofelia Ferrán, Kathleen Mary Glenn (eds.),  Women's Narrative and Film in Twentieth-century Spain: A World of Difference(s) (Routledge, 2002), 19-39.
  • "Brush" story by Pere Calders (translated by Louise Lewis, London: Blackie, 1982.)
  • Everly,  K. Catalan Women Writers and Artists: Revisionist Views from a Feminist Space (Bucknell, 2003)nés, Fèlix.  Pere Portabella: Avantguarda, cinema, política.  (Institut Català de les Indústries Culturals/Raval Edicions, 2008).
  • Fanés, Fèlix.  “Portabella, Brossa, Santos: Un traingle irregular.”  Hispanic Review 78.4 (2010): 469-490.
  • Fernàndez, J-A. 'The Angel of History and the Truth of Love: Mercè Rodoreda's "La plaça del diamant"' The Modern Language Review Vol. 94, No. 1 (Jan., 1999), pp. 103-109.
  • Gregori, C. Pere Calders, tòpics i subversions de la tradició fantàstica (Abadia de Montserrat, 2006)
  • Ibarz, M. Exile and Reconstruction: Mercè Rodoreda and Visual Art in the 1950s. (The Anglo-Catalan Society. 2007 [])
  • Keown, D. Sobre la poesia catalana contemporània (3 i 4, 1996). [Chapters on Salvat- Papasseit, Espriu and Estellés.]
  • Keown, D. Polifonia de la subversió: la poesia de Vicent Andrés Estellés (Tàndem, 2000)
  • McNerney, K. and Vosburg N., (eds.) The garden across the border: Mercè Rodoreda's fiction. (Slinsgrove, 1994)
  • Losada, Matt.  “Pere Portabella’s Umbracle and the Francoist Crusade Narrative.”  Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 13:4: 339-354.
  • Lyons, K. Lord of the Shadow: poems by Salvador Espriu (Dolphin, 1972)
  • Marsh, Steven.  “The Legacies of Pere Portabella: Between Heritage and Inheritance.” Hispanic Review 78.4 (2010): 551-567.
  • Pijoan i Picas, M. I. Salvador Espriu o els itineraris de la poesia (Abadia de Montserrat, 1991)
  • Pons, A. Pere Calders: veritat oculta (Eds.62, 1999)
  • Preston, P.  La Guerra Civil: las fotos que hicieron historia : 1936-1939, tres años que desafían el olvido (Esfera de los libros, 2006)
  • Quintana, Àngel.  Josep Maria Forn: Indústria i identitat.  (Editorial Pòrtic / Institut Català de les Indústries Culturals / Generalitat de Catalunya, 2007.)
  • Roda, L. (Ed) Vicent Andrés Estellés, number of Reduccions dedicated to the author, 98/99   (2011)
  • Rodoreda Mercè, Els miralls interiors (videorecording in MML library)
  • Scarlett, E. A. Under construction: the body in Spanish novels (Virginia UP, 1994).
  • Terry, A. A Companion to Catalan Literature (Tamesis, 1999).
  • Torreiro, Casimiro. “‘Aimez-vous la Representation [sic]? Notes on the Cinema of Pere Portabella and on Informe General’.”  In Modes of Representation in Spanish Cinema.  Eds. Jenaro Talens and Santos Zunzunegui.  (University of Minnesota Press, 1998:) 303-18.
  • Torrell, Josep.  “Cuadecuc en Norteamérica.”  Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
  • Walters G. The Poetry of Salvador Espriu: To Save the Words (Tamesis, 2006)

The Post Franco Era

  • Cabello, Gabriel.  “Construyendo Tiempo: Los Ensayos Cinematográficos de José Luis Guerín.”  Ciberletras: Revista de critica literaria y de cultura 2004: 2.
  • Crameri, K. Language, the novelist and national identity in post-Franco Catalonia (Legenda, 2000)
  • Diaz-Vicedo, N. Maria-Mercè Marçal: an exploration of feminine poetics in the work of a late 20th century Catalan poet (Universitat d'Alacant, 2003:
  • Diaz-Vicedo, N. Constructing Feminine Poetics in the Works of a Late Twentieth-Century Catalan Woman Poet: Maria-Mercè Marçal. (MHRA, 2014)
  • Feldman, Sharon G.  “A Phenomenological Gaze: Josep M. Benet i Jornet.”  In In the eye of the storm: contemporary theater in Barcelona.  Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2009: 103–162.
  • Feldman, Sharon G.  “Catalunya Invisible: Contemporary Drama in Barcelona.” Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 6 (2002): 269–287. <doi:10.1353/hcs.2011.0315>
  • Feldman, S. and Holt P. Barcelona plays: a collection of new plays by Catalan playwrights (Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications, 2008)
  • George, D. Sergi Belbel and Catalan theatre: text, performance and identity (Tamesis, 2010)
  • George, D.  (Ed with J. London) Modern Catalan plays (Methuen, 2000)
  • Guerín, José Luis. “En Construcción.”  Visions de l’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona, 2012.
  • Keown, D. “Transparency and Commitment: the significance of Formentera in Aigua clara and L’illa de l’holandès.” Journal of Catalan Studies 2010, 36-59.
  • Marçal, Maria-Mercè, Antologia: selecció, traducció, pròleg i notes de Neus Aguado y Luisa Cotoner (Frontera, 2005). Available online via Digitalia (UL catalogue)
  • Marçal, Maria-Mercè, The body's reason: poems in Catalan translated by Montserrat Abelló and Noèlia Díaz Vicedo (Francis Boutle, 2014).
  • Martínez-Carazo, Cristina.  “Deconstrucción/Reconstrucción: En Construcción de José Luis Guerín (2001).”  Letras Hispanas 4 (2007): 1-15.
  • Nichols, B. Introduction to Documentary (Indiana UP, 2001)
  • Resina, Joan Ramon.  “The Construction of the Cinematic Image: En Construcción (José Luis Guerín, 2001).  In Burning Darkness: a Half Century of Spanish Cinema.  Ed. Joan Ramon Resina and Andrés Lema-Hincapié.  Albany: SUNY Press, 2008: 255–276.