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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Dr Rocío Díaz Bravo

Rocio Diaz Bravo
Affiliated Lecturer
Hispanic Linguistics Supervisor
Spanish & Portuguese
Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages & Linguistics
Contact details: 

Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages Raised Faculty Building University of Cambridge Sidgwick Avenue Cambridge CB3 9DA United Kingdom


Rocío Díaz Bravo is an Affiliated Lecturer in Hispanic Linguistics.

Having completed an MA in Digital Humanities (King’s College London), an MA in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language and a PhD in Spanish Linguistics (University of Málaga), she has varied research interests, which include the study of Variation and Change in the History of the Spanish Language with a focus on orality in sixteenth-century Spanish, Computational Linguistics and Digital Humanities applied to Spanish Linguistics, TELL (Technology-Enhanced Language Learning), and Teaching and Learning Varieties of Spanish.

She is currently conducting research on ‘learnèd’ borrowings in the Retrato de la Loçana andaluza, as a member of the Loaded Meanings strand of the Language Acts and Worldmaking project (funded by the AHRC Open World Research Initiative). Her PhD thesis examined the orality of this sixteenth-century literary work. Her recent edition of the Retrato de la Loçana andaluza has been published by the Modern Humanities Research Association. Rocío has recently joined the research team of the online corpus Oralia Diacrónica del Español (University of Granada). Furthermore, she is a member of the research group LiSLaT (Linguistics in Spanish Language Teaching), co-led by lecturers from the Open University and currently investigating the teaching and learning of varieties of Spanish from the teachers’ and the students’ perspectives (including the flipped classroom). She is particularly interested in teaching innovation and has participated in different projects, such as teaching and learning Spanish in Second Life and e-marking and e-feedback with iPads (funded by the London School of Economics and Political Sciences).

Rocío is one of the Editorial Assistant of the Journal of Spanish Language Teaching.

Teaching interests: 
Research interests: 

• Variation and Change in Spanish: orality of sixteenth-century Spanish, ‘learnèd’ borrowings

• Computational Linguistics and Digital Humanities applied to Spanish Linguistics: online diachronic corpora

• TELL (Technology-Enhanced Language Learning) applied to Spanish Language Teaching: virtual worlds, electronic marking and the use of songs

• Teaching and Learning Varieties of Spanish: technology and the flipped classroom

Recent research projects: 

Loaded Meanings, Language Acts and Worldmaking (funded by the AHRC Open World Research Initiative), King’s College London

Hispanae Testium Depositiones. Las declaraciones de testigo en la historia de la lengua española (1492-1833) (funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities 2018-2021), Oralia diacrónica del español (ODE), University of Granada

• Linguistics in Spanish Language Teaching (LiSLaT), Open University

Published works: 

Selected Publications



Díaz-Bravo, R. (2019). Francisco Delicado: «Retrato de la Loçana andaluza». Estudio y edición crítica. Cambridge: Modern Humanities Research Association, Critical Text 56.çana-andaluza

Díaz-Bravo, R. (2010). Estudio de la oralidad en el «Retrato de la Loçana andaluza» (Roma, 1524), PhD Thesis in CD-ROM. Málaga: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Málaga.

Holgado-Sáez, C. and R. Díaz-Bravo (eds.) (2020). Enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas en la era digital: investigación e innovación educativa. Language Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age: Research and Educational Innovation. Granada: Comares.



Calderón-Campos, M. and R. Díaz-Bravo (accepted). An online corpus for the study of historical dialectology: Oralia diacrónica del español. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.

Díaz-Bravo, R. (2019). Study of Medial and Conceptional Orality in the Retrato de la Loçana andaluza. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 96:10, 1189-1215.

Díaz-Bravo (2019). Guadalingo: aprendizaje experiencial de español LE/L2 en un entorno virtual gamificado. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching (JSLT) 6:1, 64-70.

Díaz-Bravo, R. (2019). La conciencia lingüística del autor andaluz Francisco Delicado. Analecta Malacitana 103, 139-156.

Díaz-Bravo, R. and M. Fernández Alcaide (2018). La oralidad en el siglo XVI: lo literario y lo privado. Marcadores discursivos. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 95:4, 357-382.

Díaz-Bravo, R. (2015). Canciones en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de ELE en la era digital. Porta Linguarum 24, 203-214.

Robles, S. and R. Díaz-Bravo (2017). Prácticas virtuales en Second Life: telecolaboración entre profesores nativos en formación y estudiantes de ELE. RILE: Revista Internacional de Lenguas Extranjeras 6, 55-78.


Book Chapters

Díaz-Bravo, R. and G. Vaamonde (2020). Creación de ediciones digitales para lingüistas de corpus: el caso del Retrato de la Loçana andaluza. In J. Belda-Medina and R. Casañ-Pitarch (eds.), Análisis del Discurso en la Era Digital: Una Recopilación de Casos de Estudio (chapter 2, pp. 15-26). Granada: Comares.

Díaz-Bravo, R., S. Acid Carrillo and J. M. Fernández-Luna (2020). Lengua y tecnología: una plataforma colaborativa para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de variedades del español. In I. Aznar Díaz, M.ª P. Cáceres Reche, J. M.ª Romero Rodríguez, J. A. Marín Marín (eds.), Investigación e Innovación Educativa: Tendencias y Retos (pp. 771-783). Madrid: Dykinson.

Díaz Bravo, R. (2018). Las Humanidades Digitales y los corpus diacrónicos en línea del español: problemas y sugerencias. In L. Bocanegro and E. Romero-Frías, Territorios Digitales: construyendo unas ciencias sociales y humanidades digitales (pp. 562-586). Granada and New York, University of Granada and Downhill Publishing.

Díaz Bravo, R. (2015). Herramientas computacionales aplicadas al estudio de la historia de la lengua española. In J. Sánchez Méndez, M. de la Torre and V. Codita (eds.), Temas, problemas y métodos en la edición y el estudio de documentos hispánicos antiguos (pp. 377-393). Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.

Holgado-Sáez, C. and R. Díaz-Bravo (2020). Tecnología digital en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas modernas y de traducción e interpretación. Digital technologies in modern languages, translation and interpreting teaching and learning. In C. Holgado-Sáez and R. Díaz-Bravo (eds.) (2020), Language Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age: Research and Educational Innovation (chapter 1, pp. 1-23). Granada: Comares.


Digital Resources

Díaz-Bravo, R. and G. Vaamonde (2019). Digital Lozana: a digital edition of the Retrato de la Loçana andaluza. Granada: University of Granada.


Teaching Materials

Muñoz-Basols, J. and M. Lacorte, with the collaboration of R. Díaz Bravo et al (2017). Lingüística Hispánica actual: Guía didáctica y materiales de apoyo. London and New York: Routledge.