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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Dr Stuart Davis

Stuart Davis
College Associate Professor in Spanish at Girton College
Deputy Senior Tutor at Girton College
Affiliated Lecturer
Spanish & Portuguese
Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages & Linguistics
Contact details: 
Telephone number: 
(+44) (0)1223 338954

Girton College Huntingdon Road Cambridge CB3 0JG United Kingdom



Stuart Davis (personal pronouns: he/they) has been a college lecturer in Spanish at Girton College and Affiliated Lecturer in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese since 2003. Currently Stuart is Deputy Senior Tutor (Teaching and Learning) at Girton College.

Before coming to Cambridge Stuart completed his BA, MPhil by Research and PhD degrees at the University of Birmingham, where he studied after attending his local comprehensive school in Herefordshire and then Worcester Sixth Form College.

Stuart was delighted and privileged to be awarded a University Pilkington Prize for Excellence in Teaching in 2018.

Dr Davis welcomes inquiries from potential MPhil and PhD students with research interests relevant to his interests.


Teaching interests: 

Stuart is currently the co-ordinator for  the final year Comparative Studies paper CS5 ‘The Body’, on which he lectures and offer supervisions

Stuart supervises doctoral research on contemporary Spanish literature, film and culture. Prospective doctoral students are encouraged to get in touch by email with a provisional research proposal.


Research interests: 

Stuart’s research interests are varied. They have particular interests in memory, shame and other emotions in Hispanic literature, film and visual cultures, as well as long standing interests in canon theory, metacriticism, museum studies and representations of gender and sexuality. Their current research work includes a longitudinal study of pedagogical canonicity identified through syllabi in UK universities’ Spanish departments; an article on memory in the work of Pedro Almodóvar's latest film Madres paralelas; transmission of affect in the work of artist Félix González Torres; an article on contemporary Spanish photographer Ouka Leele and her re-workings of canonical artworks. Stuart is the author of Writing and Heritage in Contemporary Spain: The Imaginary Museum of Literature (Tamesis, 2012) and has published articles and book chapters on literary canon formation, queer theory, Juan Goytisolo, Jorge Luis Borges and the 'Generación X'. Stuart has co-edited two volumes of essays: Reading Iberia. Theory/History/Identity (Peter Lang, 2007) and The Modern Spanish Canon: Visibility, Cultural Capital and the Academy (Legenda, 2018). 


Published works: 

Selected publications:

'Locating Effeminacy' Book Forum response to Richard Vytniorgu Effeminate Belonging. Gender Nonconformity Experience and Gay Bottom Identities (Emerald Publishing, 2024) in Journal of Bodies, Sexualities and Masculinities. Forthcoming.

'This Woman's Memory Work: Futurity, Family and Photography in Pedro Almodovar's Madres paralelas (2021)'  Bulletin of Spansh Visual Studies (2024, 231-255): Full article: This Woman’s Memory Work: Futurity, Family and Photography in Pedro Almodóvar’s Madres paralelas (2021) (

'In deep with Ouka Leele' forthcoming in Authoring Female Identities in Spanish and Latin American Art and Media (Palgrave Macmillan), eds. Fiona Noble and Nadia Albaladejo Garcia

'The Evolving Discipline of Iberian studies in Great Britain and Ireland' forthcoming in Mapping Iberian Studies. Institutional Spaces and Interdisciplinary Dialogues (Brill) eds. Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Santiago Pérez Isasi and Mario Santana.

'The Time of the (Orphan) Child: Viewing Carla Simón’s Summer 1993/Estiu 1993 (2017) with Carlos Saura’s Raise Ravens/Cría cuervos (1976)’ Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas, 17 (2020), 117-136.

'The Golden Age in the Hispanic Studies classroom: the changing shape of what we teach our undergraduates in the UK’ in Spanish Golden Age Texts in the 21st Century: Teaching the Old through the New in Puig and McLaughlin (eds.) (Peter Lang, 2019).

The Modern Spanish Canon. Visibility, Cultural Capital and the Academy Co-edited with Maite Usoz de la Fuente (Legenda, 2018)

'The State of the Discipline: Hispanic Literature and film in UK Spanish degrees', Journal of Romance Studies 18 (2018), 25-44

‘Reading beyond Cognitive Meaning: The Affective Turn in novels of the Spanish “memory-boom”’ Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 94 (2017), 801-815.

'Constructing the Archive of Contemporary Spanish Culture' Tesserae: Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 21 (2015), 243-247.

Writing and Heritage in Contemporary Spain. The Imaginary Museum of Literature (Boydell & Brewer/Tamesis, 2012)

‘Close encounters of the cultural kind: The peninsular Spanish canon in a pedagogical context’ Tesserae: Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 16 (2010), 107-126.

‘“Something of a One-Man Generation”: Understanding Juan Goytisolo’s Place in Contemporary Spanish Narrative’ Dissidences: Hispanic Journal of Theory and Criticism, 6/7 (2010), n.p.

‘Narrative Battles: War and Memory in the Novels of Juan Goytisolo’, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 86 (2009), 521-536.

‘El lugar de las novelas tardías en la obra completa de Juan Goytisolo’ in B. Adriaensen and M. Kunz (eds.) Pesquisas en la obra tardía de Juan Goytisolo (Rodopi, 2009) pp.23-42

Reading Iberia: Theory / History / Identity, Co-edited with Helena Buffery and Kirsty Hooper (Peter Lang, 2007)

‘Que(e)rying Spain: On the Limits and Possibilities of Queer Theory in Hispanism’ in H. Buffery, S. Davis and K. Hooper (eds.) Reading Iberia: Theory / History / Identity (Peter Lang, 2007), pp.63-79.

‘Reading Author and Text: Juan Goytisolo and Makbara’ in S. Black (ed.) Juan Goytisolo: Territories of Life and Writing (Peter Lang, 2006) pp.41-61.

‘Spain is Different?: The “Generation X” in Spanish Literature’ in M. Hockx, G. Paizis and A. Gutman (eds.) The Global Literary Field, (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006) pp. 41-57.

‘Life, Death and the Name: The Case of Juan Goytisolo’, Forum for Modern Language Studies, 41 (2005), 365-374.

‘Re-Reading and Re-Writing Traditions: The Case of Borges’s La casa de Asterión’, Romance Studies, 22 (2004), 139-148.

‘In Defence of an Institution: Approaches to the Peninsular Spanish Canon’, Tesserae: Journal of Iberian and Latin-American Studies, 7 (2001), 129-142.

‘Is there a Peninsular Spanish Canon in Hispanic Studies?’ Donaire, 16 (2001), 5-11.