Liliana Chávez-Díaz
Fitzwilliam College
The purpose of my doctoral research is to explore the relationship between journalism and the crisis of truth in contemporary Latin American literature. I am particularly interested in the encounter between the self and the other and its representation in certain stories that are based on facts.
I analyse a variety of documentary narratives, chronicles and nonfiction novels published by Latin American authors from the 1970s to the 2000s, such as the works of Elena Poniatowska, Carlos Monsiváis, Tomás Eloy Martínez, and a recent group of journalist writers called ‘nuevos cronistas de Indias’.
The research seeks to demonstrate how conversation has a double function in documentary narratives, both as a research tool to obtain first-hand testimony within the author’s fieldwork and as a meaningful discourse technique within the text, which allows the generation of new approaches to certain realities. In a world overwhelmed with data production, I intend to demonstrate that storytelling is still a valuable though complex form of communication among individuals, classes and cultures.
Academic Publications:
‘Journalists at work: Information and storytelling in times of uncertainty’ in Literary Journalism and Latin American Wars: Revolutions, Retributions, Resignations. Ed. Mateus Yuri Passos, Aleksandra Wiktorowska and Margarita Navarro Pérez. Nancy: Éditions PUN – Université de Lorraine (forthcoming)
‘Identidad, cuerpo y memoria en la pintura argentina de fin de siglo XX: la mirada literaria de Tomás Eloy Martínez’ in Estudios de arte latinoamericano y caribeño. Vol. 1. Ed. Olga Rodríguez Bolufé. Mexico City: Universidad Iberoamericana, 2016
‘Recordar, registrar y reescribir: La entrevista periodística en La pasión según Trelew, de Tomás Eloy Martínez’, in La chronique latino-américaine 19e – 21e siècles, Vol. 1, Paris: Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2016,
Conference Papers:
‘Witnesses of the invisible: Migration and violence in Mexican media’ The Limits of the Human in Latin American Visual Culture, University of Cambridge, January 2017
‘The parody of journalism in Tomás Eloy Martínez’s La novela de Perón’ Women in Spanish and Portuguese Studies XVI Annual Conference, University of Stirling, November 2016
‘Journalists at work: Information and storytelling in times of uncertainty’ Literary Journalism and Latin American Wars, University of Oxford, June 2016
‘The Fiction of the Nonfiction: Self-representation & Otherness in the New Latin American Journalism’ IALJS International Conference for Literary Journalism Studies, Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, May 2016
‘ “Ésa es la historia que escribo en caliente y de un tirón”: Gabriel García Márquez and Rodolfo Walsh as bridges through a new (representation of) reality in Latin America’ SLAS Annual Conference, University of Liverpool, April 2016
‘Based on True Stories: Representing the Self and the Other in Latin American Documentary Narratives’ XIII Symposium for Mexican Students and Studies, University College London, United Kingdom, July 2015
‘Is there a New Latin American journalism? The Nuevos Cronistas de Indias and the construction of reality’ Postgraduates in Latin American Studies (PILAS) Conference, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, June 2015
‘Testimonio and New Media in Mexico: Telling the (Real) Stories of 72 migrantes’ Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 2015
‘Recordar, registrar y reescribir: La entrevista periodística en La pasión según Trelew, de Tomás Eloy Martínez’, Center for the Research of the Cultural Fields in Latin America (CRICCAL) International Colloquium - La chronique latino-américaine 19e – 21e siècles, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III, October 2014
‘Where is the Chronicler? The Journalist and the Other in Dialogue’, Fiction, non-fiction and new journalism: The arts of storytelling in the Spanish and Portuguese speaking worlds, Newcastle University, June 2014
Introduction to the Language, Literatures and Cultures of the Spanish-speaking World (SP1), undergraduate level, Department of Spanish and Portuguese,
Introduction to Hispanic Literature (SPA3), undergraduate level, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Cambridge
Latin American Culture and History (SP5), undergraduate level, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Cambridge
Latin American Culture (SP12), undergraduate level, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Cambridge