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Luis Castellví Laukamp

Luis Castellví Laukamp

Luis Castellví Laukamp​




My PhD focuses on the influence of the Soledades by Luis de Góngora (Spain, 1561-1627) and religious colonial paintings on the visual and artistic imagination of the Spanish American authors Hernando Domínguez Camargo (Viceroyalty of Peru, 1606-1659) and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Viceroyalty of New Spain, 1651-1695). As parodied by writers such as Lope de Vega and Quevedo, many Spanish followers of Góngora wrote poems imitating his style. That was also the case in the New World. However, Camargo and Sor Juana were two of the few Baroque colonial poets who succeeded in deploying Góngora’s influence as a springboard to craft poetic projects of the highest calibre. Their greatest works – San Ignacio (1666) and Primero Sueño (c. 1685), respectively – were written as emulations of the Soledades. Both employ an ingenious combination of sources that enabled their authors to deliver ekphrases or poetic descriptions full of multivalent symbolism.

I seek to determine the extent to which these two colonial poets deployed syncretic sources to deviate from the aesthetic, religious, and philosophical orthodoxy of their time. My work will contribute to the understanding of how a dialogue across continents and art forms led to unique forms of heterodoxy in colonial Hispanic poetry that have heretofore been neglected.


Kluge Fellow, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (2015-2016)

Academic Publications:

2016 (Forthcoming). ‘Ekphrasis Meets Teichoscopy: The Panoramic Landscape in Góngora’s Soledad Primera’, Hispanic Research Journal.

2016. Foreword of the book by Hernando Domínguez Camargo, Poema heroico y otras flores poéticas (Bogotá: Biblioteca básica de cultura colombiana), 9-16.

2015. ‘Food for Thought: The Fruit Still Life in Góngora’s Polifemo’, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 92: 629–44

Conference Papers:

‘Sor Juana y el espejo de Primero sueño’ (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, May 2016)

‘Ignatius of Loyola’s Rapture in Camargo’s San Ignacio (1666)’ (Annual Conference of the Renaissance Society of America, Boston, April 2016)

‘Food for Thought: The Fruit Still Life in Góngora’s Polifemo’ (Annual Conference of the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, February 2016)

‘The Ekphrasis of Ecstasy in Camargo’s San Ignacio. Poema Heroico (1666)’ (Darmouth College, January 2016).

'La cueva de Manresa como materia poética en el San Ignacio. Poema Heroico' (Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá, June 2015). See

‘Ekphrasis Meets Teichoscopy: The Panoramic Landscape in Góngora’s Soledad Primera’ (Annual Conference of the AHGBI, University of Exeter, April 2015)

'El crucifijo como materia poética en el San Ignacio de Hernández Camargo' (Séminaire doctoral CLEA 3, Paris Sorbonne Université, January 2015) 

‘Paisajes barrocos del Virreinato del Perú: Introducción al San Ignacio. Poema Heroico de Hernando Domínguez Camargo’ (Congreso Perú Transatlántico, Universidad Católica de Lima, July 2014)

‘Empires of the Atlantic World’ (Centre of Latin American Studies, University of Cambridge, January 2014)

‘Brevity and Sprezzatura: the Paratexts of La Araucana’ (Annual Conference of the AHGBI, University of Oxford, March 2013)

Et in Arcadia Ego: Garcilaso's Égloga III’, Oxford Graduate Symposium in Spanish Golden-Age Studies, University of Oxford, January 2013)

Courses Taught:

SP7: Spanish and Latin American Early Modern Literature and Culture

SP1: Introduction to Hispanic Languages, Literatures and Cultures

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