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Read more at: Ibero-Romance Linguistics Seminars 2014/15

Ibero-Romance Linguistics Seminars 2014/15

You can find the programme for this year on this event listing.

Read more at: Gillian Harris commended at Stephen Spender Prize

Gillian Harris commended at Stephen Spender Prize

Gillian Harris, former student of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese (Tripos 2014), had her poem commended by judges at the Stephen Spender Prize for poetry in translation. Many congratulations to Gillian! Her entry was a translation of a poem by Argentinian poet Susana Thénon, you can read it here .

Read more at: Clipflair Workshop

Clipflair Workshop

The aim of these workshops is to introduce Clipflair, an EU-funded project for Foreign Language Learning.

Read more at: The Anthony Close Scholarship

The Anthony Close Scholarship

We are delighted to announce that Clare College (University of Cambridge) has officially approved the Anthony Close Spanish Golden Age Research Scholarship that will fund a PhD student working on Early Modern Spanish and Spanish American Literature and Culture. The scholarship provides funding for up to a maximum of three...

Read more at: The Norman MacColl Symposium 2014

The Norman MacColl Symposium 2014

The Norman MacColl Symposium 2014 in Spanish Cinema in honour of Román Gubern is entitled: Canon, contra-canon y cinefilia: Historias del cine español en un contexto internacional .

Read more at: Prof Brad Epps at the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Prof Brad Epps at the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Prof Brad Epps at the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán . Prof Epps, Professor of Spanish and Head of the Dept of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Cambridge, gave a lecture entitled “La insoportable levedad de los huesos. El documentalismo fílmico de Patricio Guzmán en Nostalgia de la Luz ” as part of the series of...

Read more at: Anthony Close Scholarship in Spanish Golden Age Studies
Francisco de Zurbarán, Still-life with Lemons, Oranges and Rose

Anthony Close Scholarship in Spanish Golden Age Studies

Clare College continues the fund-raising campaign to establish The Anthony Close Scholarship in Spanish Golden Age Studies . If you would like to make a donation and for further information, please refer to this page .

Read more at: New Publications
Recent publications by members of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese

New Publications

Members of the Department have published the following books during the previous academic year: Ghosts of the Revolution in Mexican Literature and Visual Culture by Erica Segre; Latin American Popular Culture: Politics, Media, Affect by Geoffrey Kantaris and Rory O'Bryen; Science Fiction and Digital Technologies in Argentine and Brazilian Culture by Ed King; The Lead Books of Granada by Elizabeth Drayson; Creativity and Science in Contemporary Argentine Literature: Between Romanticism and Fomalism by Joanna Page.