Welcome to our page of Portuguese online resources, covering the areas of language-learning, literary/cultural resources, and linguistics. We update this page regularly, so please bookmark it, and use it to access these teaching resources. You can also find overview information about resources and facilities available for the study of Spanish and Portuguese in the Department Handbook.
Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa
Portuguese BrazilPod - From here you will have access to six different projects for the study of Portuguese
Portuguese Communication Exercises
Fonética & Fonologia – Vowels and Consonants: Explore the sounds of Portuguese clicking on the symbols/words and watching the videos
News - Jornal Público - Expresso - BBC Brasil - O Globo - Folha de S. Paulo - O Estado de S. Paulo - Valor
Radios & TVs - RTP - Radio TSF - Radios EBC (Empresa Brasil de Comunicação) - Globo - CBN - MPB FM
Links for a wealth of cultural resources (some of which are multimedia) are now maintained on the Learning Support Websites for individual papers. The following are currently available:
- Paula Rego at Saatchi
- Paula Rego images in Google
- Paula Rego in interview with Richard Zimler, Diário de Notícias (Grande Reportagem), Lisbon, April 2003, 57-63. English version from Richard Zimler's original transcript.
- Enchantment, Translation of Hélia Correia's Fascinaçáo
- Mozambican Poetry
- Pessoa Plural, Revista de Estudos Pessoanos/A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies (Brown University, Utrecht University & Universidad de Los Andes)
- Orpheu: prosa, poesia e arte, by Ricardo Daunt. You should be able to access a pdf from that page, if not, please try here.