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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


J.B. Trend Fund

J.B. Trend Fund 2024-25

F.A.O. Postgraduate and undergraduate students.

Deadline for application: Friday, 2 May 2025

The Managers of the J. B. Trend Fund give notice that they are prepared to consider applications for grants, to enable Undergraduates and registered Postgraduate Students to visit any country where Spanish or Portuguese has official status, in order to study the language, literature, history, or music of the countries of their choice, during the period 1st June 2025 - 31 May 2026. Please note that this grant does not cover expenses related to the Year Abroad stay.

Candidates for the B.A. Degree and registered Postgraduate Students are eligible to receive a grant provided that they intend to make use of it before they complete the examination requirements for the B.A. Degree or before they submit their dissertations, as the case may be. Please note that as funds are limited, priority will be given to travel undertaken by undergraduate students during the first year of their B.A. Degree.

Applications should be accompanied by a statement of purpose of the travel (250 words), the length of stay, costs of travel and subsistence, course expenses (if relevant), and estimated contributions from elsewhere. Total expenses minus funds applied for elsewhere must be clearly stated. For advice on applying, please see this document.

Applications (by post to the Spanish and Portuguese Section address or by email) must be submitted through the candidate’s Director of Studies or Postgraduate Student Supervisor, who should supply a concise but detailed statement of support, to the Section e-mail at by Friday 2nd May 2025.

Grants will be awarded not later than the last day of the Easter Term 2025 and payment will be made only on receipt of a complete claim form (to be supplied by the Section to those awarded a grant) and of relevant receipts to at least up to the amount awarded.

Statutes and Ordinances, 2018, p. 991:  J.B . Trend Fund Amended by Grace 8 of 30/7/2014

  1. The moneys subscribed in response to an appeal for contributions to a fund to commemorate the late Professor J. B. Trend, Litt.D., of Christ's College, Professor of Spanish, shall form a fund called the J. B. Trend Fund the income of which shall be used to provide grants to enable undergraduates and registered Graduate Students of the University of Cambridge to visit Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries in order to study the language, literature, history, or music, of the countries of their choice.
  2. The Fund shall be administered by the Electors to the Gibson Spanish Scholarship.
  3. Any candidate for the B.A. Degree and any registered Graduate Student shall be eligible to receive a grant from the Fund provided that he or she intends to make use of the grant before completing the examination requirements for the B.A. Degree or before submitting a dissertation, as the case may be.
  4. An application for a grant accompanied by a short description of the proposed travel must be submitted through the candidate’s Director of Studies or Supervisor in the case of a Graduate Student to such person as may be designated by the Electors to receive applications so as to arrive not later than a date in Full Easter Term of which notice has been given by the Electors in the previous Michaelmas Term.
  5. Grants shall be awarded not later than the last day of the Easter Term.